
This is a web server. First we need to implement the basic response message. Then we can start to serve different types of request.


Based on RFC1945, there are two types of Response: Simple-Response and Full-Response.

Simple-Response = [ Entity-Body ]

Full-Response = Status-Line : Section 6.1 *( General-Header ; Section 4.3 | Response-Header ; Section 6.2 | Entity-Header ) ; Section 7.1 CRLF [ Entity-Body ] ; Section 7.2

For different header, we have:

General-Header = Date ; Section 10.6 | Pragma ; Section 10.12

Response-Header = Location ; Section 10.11 | Server ; Section 10.14 | WWW-Authenticate ; Section 10.16

Entity-Header = Allow ; Section 10.1 | Content-Encoding ; Section 10.3 | Content-Length ; Section 10.4 | Content-Type ; Section 10.5 | Expires ; Section 10.7 | Last-Modified ; Section 10.10 | extension-header

extension-header = HTTP-header