
Semester project in pd|z, aiming at solving 3D tracking problem for surgery application.

Primary LanguagePython


Semester project in pd|z, aiming at solving 3D tracking problem for surgery application.


The code here contains: The Parallel Attention Mapping EfficientPose, the Preprocessing code for Falling Things, and the API for our stereo camera.

We based our work on the official implementation of EfficientPose.

Dataset and pretrained weights

You can download the preprocessed Falling Things datasets here, and the pretrained weights from link.

Just download file and you can train or evaluate using these datasets as described below.

The dataset is originally downloaded from Nvidia/FAT and were preprocessed using the /Dataset_Preprocessing/preprocess_fat.py to split the file into the linemod format and then use the /Dataset_Preprocessing/generate_gt.py to generate the corresponding ground truth file.

The dataset format is shown as below:

    data(left camera images)

Installation of PAM EfficientPose

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Create a new environment with conda create -n PAMEP python==3.7
  3. Activate that environment with conda activate PAMEP
  4. Install Tensorflow 1.15.0 with conda install tensorflow-gpu==1.15.0
  5. Go to the PAM_EfficientPose dir and install the other dependencys using pip install -r requirements.txt(if you are using colab, you need !pip install gast==0.2.2 to avoid warnings)
  6. Compile cython modules with python setup.py build_ext --inplace

Training Example Falling Things Dataset

To train a phi = 0 PAM EfficientPose model on object 35 of Falling Things (driller) using our pretrained weights(with batch size 5 and validate every 900 steps):

python train.py --phi 0 --batch-size 5 --steps 900 --weights /path_to_weights/PAM.h5 linemod /dataPAM --object-id 35

Evaluating Example Falling Things Dataset

To evaluate a trained phi = 0 EfficientPose model on object 35 of Falling Things (driller) using our pretrained weights and (optionally) save the predicted images:

python evaluate.py --phi 0 --weights /path_to_weights/PAM.h5 --validation-image-save-path /where_to_save_predicted_images/ linemod /dataPAM --object-id 35

Runtime Evaluation

To measure the runtime of PAM EfficientPose on your machine you can use python benchmark_runtime.py. The needed parameters, e.g. the path to the model can be modified in the benchmark_runtime.py script.

Debugging Dataset and Generator

The original EfficientPose provide debugging code, if you want to modify the generators or build a new custom dataset, it can be very helpful to display the dataset annotations loaded from your generator to make sure everything works as expected. With

python debug.py --phi 0 --annotations linemod /dataPAM --object-id 35

you can display the loaded and augmented image as well as annotations prepared for a phi = 0 model from object 35 of the Linemod dataset. Please see debug.py for more arguments.

Original EfficientPose

You can get the original EfficientPose, and try our Mono.h5 pretained weights for our dataset and compare the result.

Stereo EfficientPose

If you want to try the direct concatenated EfficientPose network, see train.py and uncomment the "build_Direct_Concate_EfficientPose" function, and use the corresponding pretrained weight we provide.