
VOID's vim configuration QWQ

Primary LanguageVim Script


VOID's vim configuration QWQ


> vim-airline   --- A tool for beautify vim status line
> syntastic     --- Easy-to-use Syntax checking Plugin
> nerdtree      --- Show the directory structure
> vim-fugitive  --- Git supported
> YouCompleteMe --- Fancy autocomplete plugin
> vimproc       --- VimShell Dependencies
> vimshell      --- Using shell in vim
> YCM-Generator --- Ycm auxiliary, show you an easy-to-use YCM
> auto-pairs    --- Insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair


  • First change to your .vim directory and make a dir named 'bundle'
  • Then exec this command git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
  • Then put replace your .vimrc file with the .vimrc file in my repo ~
  • Then open a new vim editor and enter :PluginInstall make sure you have network connection enabled
  • After this all the plugins except Ycm should work well
  • YCM should be compiled first, to compile YCM, just cd to ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/ then run /path/to/your/python2 install.py --clang-completer
  • Then if you want to enable Ycm just put a .ycm_extra_conf.py in your current directory , or in any father directory, Here is a .ycm_extra_conf.py for C++ use (in this repo)
  • And feel free to hack on it ~ !

Some basic usage

  • \\ for open the tree view
  • C-n for a new tab
  • C-l for moving to the right tab
  • C-h for moving to the left tab
  • C-F9 for compiling, currently support C, C++ and Java
  • F9 for compiling and running, currently support C, C++, Java, Python and Ruby
  • If you are in a project root directory , use :YcmGenerator to generate the autocomplete and syntax checking confiugration file for your project =O=

If you want to enable the plugin vimshell, You might need to build it first. See the help message for more details

How to Contribute

  • Just make Pull Request as you want!