For further information, please view the following google document:
This page contains background information of what an Expert-System is, and then goes into some detail regarding the individual components of the system and algorithmic properties.
Note that this is part of an explanation I created on Expert-Systems while me and my mentor were in the process of brainstorming how our Expert-System would work. The basic method of operation has not changed (this is an updated document to reflect any changes that were made during the implementation stage). The first part of the explanation is not unique to our Expert-System, and has been applied to expert systems in the past. However, while defining the various components of the knowledge-base, we implemented our own ideas.
An external resource we referenced was the April issue of Byte Magazine, from 1985, page 303. Here is a link to an online version:
Note that this was only a starting point for us; what we have been implementing so far has advanced and changed much from the expert-system referred to in the magazine. However, the content presented in the issue is helpful to understand any rule-based expert-system.