
Source of popular Reddit bot u/bitofnewsbot

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Source of popular Reddit bot u/bitofnewsbot

How do I run it?

Setup cron to run it every minute

Instructions for Ubuntu:

  • Replace username and password line in bitofnewsbot
  • Install cron sudo apt-get install cron
  • Open up crontab to edit cron sudo crontab -e
  • Tell it to run every minute: * * * * * /usr/bin/python bitofnewsbot.py

Submissions are stored in done.txt so they're not commented on again.

TODO: use sqllite3. The point is to have minimum setup


  • PyTeaser: pip install pyteaser

Go to official PyTeaser repo for help with installation.


These are the variables you can set.

TODO: Put all this shit in a config file

  • submissions_limit - number of top subissions to check during each cron period
  • thresh_max - karma threshholds for commenting
  • thresh_min - karma threshholds for commenting
  • username - Reddit login details
  • password - Reddit login password
  • comments_per_run - comments per cron period
  • sentences_per_summary - sentences per summary
  • subreddits - "worldnews+worldpolitics"
  • agent - "u/bitofnewsbot"
  • filestore - to store submission ids of ones that are commented, "done.txt"