IP Converter

Pre requisites

Please make sure your desktop has sbt installed beforehand.

For install sbt, refer to: https://www.scala-sbt.org/1.0/docs/Installing-sbt-on-Mac.html


  • Running with sbt

Run sbt in your project directory with no arguments: sbt (it will start a sbt console). And then run run "" to compile and start the project. You can run exit to exit the sbt console.

  • Running with ./sbt

If your laptop does not have sbt installed before, you can still run this project with

  1. ./sbt to start a sbt console
  2. run "17 2.168 .5.1" in sbt console

then you will get the answer you want.

Implementation Details

  1. Using Regex to validate the input IP
  2. Convert each decimal to 8-bit binary
  3. Contact the binary to 32-bit binary
  4. Convert 32-bit binary to decimal