
Tensor Network States Package(TNSPackage)

Primary LanguageFortran

================== libTNSP README FILE

VERSION: Tensor 3.5.8 Symmetry 4.5.0 eigvalue 4.0 optimization 1.0.0

Tensor Network State Package(libTNSP) is a library of Fortran 90 with subroutines or function for Tensor Network states(TNS). It is freely-available software, and is copyrighted. If you have any question, send email to Shaojun Dong via


The distribution tar file contains the Fortran source for libTNSP and the testing programs, which is a PEPS with simple update method. To compile the libTNSP, one should link the package to the lapack and blas.

=================== libTNSP INSTALLATION:

  • libTNSP can be installed with make. Configuration have to be set in the make.inc file. A make.inc for a Linux machine(ubuntu16.04) running GNU compilers is given in the main directory.

  • Do "make" in the current directory to build the standard library "libTensor-3.1”. And other codes for makefile are:

              make : installed the package with the configuration
                     in the file make.inc
        make clean : clean the files of *.o and *.mod according 
                     to the file make.inc
     make cleanAll : clean all the files of *.o, *.mod and the package
     make cleanlib : clean the package according to the file make.inc
    make cleanAlllib : clean All the packages
    make cleanAllMod : clean All the file of *.mod *.o
  • Use the code

    "-I$(libTNSP)/libTensor-$(version) -L$(libTNSP)/libTensor-$(version) -llibTensor-$(version)"

to link your code with the libTNSP, where $(libTNSP) is the libTNSP directory. And make sure you have linked the libTNSP with the blas and lapack. If you use the package of eigvalue-4.5.0, the arpack is needed.

  • you can look for PEPS/makefile to see how to compile and link libTNSP

  • The libTNSP can not run under Windows yet. It test OK in linux and Mac.

For further information on libTNSP please read our manual

or send email to Shaojun Dong via


================== libTNSP User Support

libTNSP has been thoroughly tested on many different types of computers. If you meet any errors or poor performance, send the information to


The information will gain immediate attention from the developer.

================== libTNSP directories


================ libTNSP Project


 Shaojun Dong
 Key Laboratory of Quantum Information,
 University of Science and Technology of China.
 Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China.
 Tel: +86-18715010074,
 Email: sj.dong@outlook.com or dsj2010@mail.ustc.edu.cn

Group leaders:

 Lixin He, Professor of Physics
 Key Laboratory of Quantum Information,
 University of Science and Technology of China.
 Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China.
 Email: helx@ustc.edu.cn.

 Yong-Jian Han, Professor of Physics
 Key Laboratory of Quantum Information,
 University of Science and Technology of China.
 Hefei, Anhui, 230026, China.
 Email: smhan@ustc.edu.cn