- 1
The future of this project
#25 opened by raspher - 1
wrong location of the app launcher icon in the menu launcher of the plasma distribution
#22 opened by pingouyn - 0
Lack of Undo
#21 opened by Simon311 - 2
Can't move window off main monitor
#17 opened by Tanath - 0
Save current state, when closing
#18 opened by Edahro - 2
To large for small screens
#3 opened by tvannahl - 0
2048-Qt in Void linux
#15 opened - 0
Add PT-BR Localization
#12 opened by Ladeia - 1
Hi! Package available for Gentoo
#8 opened by jorgicio - 2
- 0
Some menus do not load
#9 opened by cboseak - 1
Make labeling translatable
#2 opened by SBasalaev