Dimensionless learning codes for our paper called "Data-driven discovery of dimensionless numbers and governing laws from scarce measurements".
Jupyter NotebookGPL-3.0
- Alexia369
- BacchusX1AVL
- BoShen0Virginia Tech
- BrentKylling
- chengchenconConcordia University
- CUBELeonwang
- DrJustinHodges
- dudaxing
- dylanlee
- Ever-Bright-V
- ExanenaxeSEU
- Jessy-player
- jiachenguoNU
- joshuashafferShijiazhuang Donghua Jinlong Chemical Co., Ltd.
- JZK00West China Biomedical Big Data Center
- liumq1998
- Murplugg
- pauljgasper
- PujieXin
- Shizheng-WenZurich
- summ2020Zhejiang University
- theodoreye001
- thw1021
- tianjuxueThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
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