
🐽snout is command line tool to collect system metrics and give you some advice about performance

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


sniff bad smell about performance

Build Status Codecov License

What is snout

snout is command line tool to collect system metrics and give you some advice about performance



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  snout is tool to improve your system performance

	snout [commands|flags]

The commands & flags are:
	help 				print snout help
	version 			print the version to stdout
	--debug 			switch on debug mode

	# start in normal mode

	# start in debug mode
	snout  --debug


|      SYMPTOM       |          DESCRIPTION           |                                     ADVISES                                      |
| TIME_WAIT_TOO_MUCH | tcp connection state           | You can reuse tcp connection by set `keepalive` in http client,set               |
|                    | `TIME_WAIT` is too much,       | `fastcgi_keep_conn` in php-fpm settings                                          |
|                    | current amount is 23           |                                                                                  |
+                    +                                +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
|                    |                                | You can accelerate the `TIME_WAIT` connection recycle by sysctl: sysclt -w       |
|                    |                                | net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1;sysclt -w net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1;sysclt -w        |
|                    |                                | net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1;sysclt -w net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30              |

Symptom Support

  • tcp stack analysis
  • disk usage analysis
  • inode usage analysis
  • network ports usage analysis

Related Project

statfs(df) implement in golang (https://github.com/ringtail/go-statfs)
sysctl implement in golang (https://github.com/ringtail/sysctl)
netstat implement in golang (https://github.com/ringtail/GOnetstat)