
copy from https://libntl.org. add CMakeList.txt

Primary LanguageC++

The code library is only for personal learning and will be deleted upon infringement

NTL -- a library for doing numbery theory -- version 11.5.1 Release date: 2021.06.23

this project is a fork of NTL, which is licensed under the LGPLv2.1+ Lesser General

Added CMakeLists.txt for Windows platform

Note: This project is only used for self testing and is easy to import into vcpkg

Author: Victor Shoup (victor@shoup.net)

NTL is open-source software distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 or later. See the file doc/copying.txt for complete details on the licensing of NTL.

Documentation is available in the file doc/tour.html, which can be viewed with a web browser.

For a detailed guide to installation, please see the appropriate documentation:

  • doc/tour-unix.html for unix systems
  • doc/tour-win.html for Windows systems

The latest version of NTL is available at http://www.shoup.net.