- aws-is-how
Install External Libraries and Kernels in SageMaker Notebook Instances
CloudFormation to launch SageMaker Notebook on Glue Dev Endpoint
Save costs by automatically shutting down idle resources within Amazon SageMaker Studio
Use AWS SageMaker BlazingText to process un-balance data for text multiple classification The git repo
[CV Labeling]
Using AWS IoT and Amazon SageMaker to do IoT Devices Predictive Maintenance
IoT Time-series Forecasting for Predictive Maintenance
- [Tagging when instance created]
How to build Graphics Workstation on Amazon EC2 G4 Instances
How can I connect to my Amazon EC2 instance if I lost my SSH key pair after its initial launch
How can I set up a CloudWatch alarm to automatically recover my EC2 instance?
aws ssm get-parameters-by-path --path /aws/service/global-infrastructure/regions --output json --profile us-east-1 --region us-east-1 | jq '.Parameters[].Name'
aws ssm get-parameters-by-path --path /aws/service/global-infrastructure/regions --output json --profile us-east-1 --region us-east-1 | jq '.Parameters[].Name' | wc -l
EMR Notebooks and SageMaker Use EMR notebooks to prepare data for machine learning and call SageMaker from the notebook to train and deploy a machine learning model.
Orchestrate an Amazon EMR on Amazon EKS Spark job with AWS Step Functions
How can I permanently install a Spark or Scala-based library on an Amazon EMR cluster
Hadoop high availability features of HDFS NameNode and YARN ResourceManager in an Amazon EMR cluster
How to use the Athena to create the complex embeded table and query the table
Use CTAS statements with Amazon Athena to reduce cost and improve performance
[CDC to Redshift]
[ClickHouse and S3]
Sending Data to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream
[Data Quality with Deequ]
[Data Quality with Great Expectations]
Summary the Single-Sign-On cases
- Enabling Federation to AWS console using Windows Active Directory, ADFS, and SAML 2.0
- Using IAM federation and Switch role to implement the Single Sign On multiple AWS Accounts
- Okta-OpenID-AWS-in-the-Browser
- Enabling custom identity broker access to the AWS console
- Grant my Active Directory users access to the API or AWS CLI with AD FS
- Using-temporary-credentials-with-AWS-resources
- Okta - AWS China multi-account console integration
- Keycloak on aws
How to clean up the elastic network interface created by Lambda in VPC mode
How to retrieve the System Manager Parameter Store from lambda
Demo how to send the Lambda logs to S3 and ElasticSearch by using Kiensis Firehose
Migrating SQL Server to Amazon RDS using native backup and restore
Best practices for migrating PostgreSQL databases to Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora
How to sync S3 bucket data between global region and China region
Synchronize S3 bucket contents with Amazon S3 Batch Replication
Uploading to Amazon S3 directly from a web or mobile application
S3 disale TLS1.1 access or enforce TLS1.2 for in-transit encryption
Amazon FSx for Lustre or Amazon FSx for Windows File Server Workshop
Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file share on an Amazon EC2 Linux instance You can mount an Amazon FSx for Windows File Server file share on an Amazon EC2 Linux instance that is either joined to your Active Directory or not joined.
Use Proxysql for RDS for MySQL or Aurora databases connection pool and Read/Write Split
rds-postgresql ERROR: <module/extension> must be loaded via shared_preload_libraries
Achieving minimum downtime for major version upgrades in Amazon RDS PostgreSQL
How to Migrate from Amazon RDS Aurora or MySQL to Amazon Aurora Serverless
Install SSM Agent on Amazon EKS worker nodes by using Kubernetes DaemonSet
How can I check, scale, delete, or drain my worker nodes on EKS
[How do I use multiple CIDR ranges with Amazon EKS]
[EKS Managed Group]
- Overview
- Quotas
- Official doc
- Cluster autoscaler Managed node groups are managed using Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups, and are compatible with the Cluster Autoscaler. You can deploy the Cluster Autoscaler to your Amazon EKS cluster and configure it to modify your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling groups.
- Vertical Pod Autoscaler
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
ECR Sync up from global from China and ECS Service Discovery
How can I create an Application Load Balancer and then register Amazon ECS tasks automatically
[Amazon ECS firelens]
Running microservices in Amazon EKS with AWS App Mesh and Kong
[EKS and CloudMap]
Monitor using Prometheus and Grafana Here is how to deploy Grafana on EKS
[Grafana and CloudWatch integration]
- AmazonMQ-Workshop
- Automate RabbitMQ configuration in Amazon MQ
- consumer_timeout Amazon RabbitMQ 不支持修改
- [Jenkins 与 RabbitMQ集成]