This code implements the DH-SNNs for various tasks. We select some typical training codes for tasks in the paper to present.
- files and folders description:
The pre-processing and training codes can be found in the folder that corresponds to the task. (The folder named "delayed_xor" and "multitimescale_xor" represent the self-designed delayed spiking XOR problem and multi-timescale spiking XOR problem, respectively.)
The folder named "SNN_layers" contains the main codes for the implementation of DH-SNNs model.
The datasets:
- SHD and SSC datasets can be downloaded from
- GSC can be downloaded from
- (P)S-MNIST: This dataset can be found in torchvision.datasets.MNIST
- DEAP can be downloaded from
- TIMIT can be found here:
- Self-designed delayed spiking XOR problem and multi-timescale spiking XOR problem.
- NeuroVPR task
- Python >=3.9
- HDF5 for python.
- Pytorch == 1.12.1, torchvision == 0.13.1, torchaudio == 0.12.1
- Preprocessing packages: [librosa](librosa — librosa 0.8.0 documentation),[tables](tables · PyPI),[wfdb](wfdb — wfdb 3.3.0 documentation),[klepto](klepto · PyPI) and [Scipy]( —,
- matplotlib
- scikit-learn == 1.1.1
- pandas == 1.4.3
- pickle
- Code running
Data preprocessing.
The datasets(SHD,SSC,GSC,TIMIT and DEAP) are required to arrange the data before training. The pre-processing codes and instructions can be found in the folder that corresponds to the task. The data of NeuroVPR is available on Zenodo:
Model training. The training codes can be found in the folder that corresponds to the task. To start the training of DH-SNNs on SSC, for example, just go to the folder SSC and run
# DH-SFNN on SSC python
# DH-SRNN on SSC python
Pre-trained models are provided for some tasks in the folder.