
A STARK proof to sync a Bitcoin full node in an instant.

Primary LanguageCairoMIT LicenseMIT


«A STARK proof to sync a Bitcoin full node in an instant»

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Don't trust. Verify. ZeroSync allows to verify Bitcoin's chain state in an instant. No need to download hundreds of gigabytes of blocks. A compact cryptographic proof suffices to validate the entire history of transactions and everyone's current balances.

Our first application is to zerosync Bitcoin Core in pruned mode. The long-term vision for ZeroSync is to become a tool box for custom Bitcoin proofs. STARK proofs enable you to transform the blockchain data, enhance it, filter it, index it for efficient queries, and optimise it for your individual use case.

This is an early stage project. Expect frequent breaking changes. Here is the project roadmap.



  • Python 3.9 (Activate environment: source ~/cairo_venv/bin/activate)
  • Cairo. Installation Guide (Programming language for provable programs)
  • Protostar (Automated testing)
  • Giza (Required for prover. Not necessary for development and testing)
  • EJS (Required for compiling)

Install as library

To access the Cairo code in the src directory from within another Cairo project install the zerosync package:

pip install zerosync

Find a short Cairo example at docs/import_example.cairo on how to import the desired function.

Run the Utreexo bridge node

The Utreexo bridge node is required to pass the tests for block verification. It provides the inclusion proofs for the coins spent in a block.

make bridge_node

Run all unit tests

make unit_test

Run all integration tests

make integration_test

Run the chain prover

make chain_proof

List TODOs



The roadmap is available here.