MBUtil is a utility for importing and exporting the MBTiles format, typically created with MapBox TileMill.
Before exporting tiles to disk, see if there's a MapBox Hosting plan or an open source MBTiles server implementation that works for you - tiles on disk are notoriously difficult to manage.
Git checkout (requires git)
git clone git://github.com/mapbox/mbutil.git
cd mbutil
# get usage
./mb-util -h
Then to install the mb-util command globally:
sudo python setup.py install
# then you can run:
Python installation (requires easy_install)
easy_install mbutil
mb-util -h
$ mb-util -h
Usage: mb-util [options] input output
Export an mbtiles file to a directory of files:
$ mb-util world.mbtiles tiles # tiles must not already exist
Import a directory of tiles into an mbtiles file:
$ mb-util tiles world.mbtiles # mbtiles file must not already exist
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--scheme=SCHEME Tiling scheme of the tiles. Default is "xyz" (z/x/y),
other options are "tms" which is also z/x/y
but uses a flipped y coordinate, and "wms" which replicates
the MapServer WMS TileCache directory structure "z/000/000/x/000/000/y.png"''',
Export an `mbtiles` file to files on the filesystem:
mb-util World_Light.mbtiles adirectory
Import a directory into a `mbtiles` file
mb-util directory World_Light.mbtiles
- Python
>= 2.6
MBUtil imports and exports metadata as JSON, in the root of the tile directory, as a file named metadata.json
"name": "World Light",
"description": "A Test Metadata",
"version": "3"
This project uses nosetests for testing. Install nosetests:
pip install nose
Then run:
- node-mbtiles provides mbpipe, a useful utility.
- mbliberator a similar program but in node.
BSD - see LICENSE.md
- Tom MacWright (tmcw)
- Dane Springmeyer (springmeyer)
- Mathieu Leplatre (leplatrem)