
Docker-compose setup for seafile server

Primary LanguageShell


docker-compose up


Variables are set in .env

Important variables:

  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD mariadb root password
  • SEAFILE_MARIADB_USER mariadb user used by seafile server
  • SEAFILE_MARIADB_PASSWORD password for above user
  • SEAFILE_SEAHUB_ADMIN_EMAIL email of admin account for seahub (web portal of seafile)
  • SEAFILE_SEAHUB_ADMIN_PASSWORD password of above account

Some deployment variables:

  • SEAFILE_ROOT seafile root directory path in the container
  • SEAFILE_ARCHIVE seafile tarballs archieve directory path in the container
  • SEAFILE_HOST_MARIADB_ROOT host path of mariadb root directory, mapped into container for both conf and data.
  • SEAFILE_HOST_WORKDIR host path of seafile work directory, mapped into container for seafile conf and data.
  • SEAFILE_DOCKER_NETWORK_SUBNET subnet the service uses.
  • SEAFILE_SERVER_IPV4_ADDR address of seahub web portal as exposed to host.
  • SEAFILE_SEAHUB_SERVER_PORT port of seahub web portal as exposed to host.


Start up only mariadb

docker-compose up -d mariadb

Check mariadb availability

docker run \
    -it --rm \
    --link seafile-mariadb \
    --network seafile_net \
    --env-file .env \
    mariadb \
    sh -c 'mysql -uroot -h${SEAFILE_MARIADB_HOST} -P3306 -p${SEAFILE_MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD}'