
How to use OrleansStatisticsVisualization?

  1. Pick the emails of the load tests builds you want to visualize, save it to a file. One LoadTestType at a time. Don't support uploading multiple load test type builds yet.

  2. Build OrleansStatisticVisualizatio proj

  3. Run OrleansStatisticsVisualization.exe emailFileLocation LoadTestType

It would generate 6 azure table in your account:

  1. 'LoadTestType'AppRequestLatencyHistogramTableForClient

  2. 'LoadTestType'AppRequestLatencyHistogramTableForSilo

  3. 'LoadTestType'ClientStatistics

  4. 'LoadTestType'SiloStatistics

  5. 'LoadTestType'TestResultMetrics -- store TPS metrics which are original stored in the load test email

  6. 'LoadTestType'TPSRelatedMetrics -- store raw TPS metrics which are used to calculate AggregatedTPS and AggregatedTPSMoving: in each reporting period(from last report timestamp to current report timestamp), how many TPS does this each test app client processed.