
Vendia's blog

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to the Vendia blog repo!

Contributions, typo fixes and pull requests are welcome 👍

Table of Contents

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Add your post

Post Details Published-Date edit
Five Leadership Practices of an Ultramarathoner
How to win the long game, as demonstrated by Kevin Durdle, Vendia's Ultramarathoner and Director of Software Development by James Gimourginas
2021-09-27 ✍️
Toward a Distributed Application Maturity Model
A Maturity Model to help you assess the distributed applications used by your organization by James Gimourginas
2021-09-07 ✍️
Sharing Data with Fine-grained Control
Defining Data Access Among Partners in a Universal Application by Brian McNamara
2021-09-01 ✍️
Vendia's Inspiring Vision
Vendia will cause a paradigm shift that will impact many distributed solutions, which is what attracted me to join the team by James Gimourginas
2021-07-23 ✍️
Vendia Named a 2021 Gartner Cool Vendor in Cloud Computing
Vendia is included in Gartner's May 2021 Cool Vendors in Cloud Computing report by Tim Wagner + Shruthi Rao
2021-06-08 ✍️
Don't Rip and Replace - Integrate
Use Vendia Share to Complement Existing Data Stores by Brian McNamara
2021-05-10 ✍️
Vendia Turns 1
Vendia celebrates its first year as a C-corporation by Tim Wagner
2021-03-31 ✍️
Announcing Vendia Share DLQ Support
Vendia Share now reports failed transactions by Tim Wagner
2021-03-17 ✍️
Announcing Vendia Share Indexing Feature
Vendia Share now support customer indices to improve data retrieval performance by Tim Wagner
2021-03-10 ✍️
Sharing Files in Vendia Share Unis
Sharing data across different organizations, accounts, and regions used to be hard...but Vendia Share Universal Apps make it easy by Glenn Dierkes
2021-02-18 ✍️
Creating a Cross Region Serverless Application in 5 Minutes
How to create cross region serverless appplications by Brian McNamara
2021-02-17 ✍️
Announcing the Vendia Share Developer Preview!
Launch announcement for the Vendia Share Developer Preview and Vendia's Series A by Tim Wagner + Shruthi Rao
2021-02-03 ✍️
Vendia Announces Series A Investment
Vendia announces a $15.5M Series A investment, led by Canvas Ventures by Tim Wagner + Shruthi Rao
2021-02-02 ✍️
Understanding Decentralization in the Cloud
Explore how decentralization works in a cloud-native setting and how it can impact your business by Tim Wagner
2021-02-01 ✍️
STAMTI: A New Model for Delivering Cloud-based Services
Learn about the STAMTI (single-tenanted accounts on multi-tenanted infrastructure) model by Tim Wagner
2021-01-31 ✍️
Getting Started With Vendia Share
Learn how to share code and data across accounts, regions, clouds, and partners with Vendia share by Cory Forsythe + Brian McNamara
2021-01-29 ✍️
Track & Trace Quickstart - Solving supply chain visibility through data sharing
How to manage logistics across multiple parties regardless of their location and technology stack; forming the foundation of a real-world risk-management focused supply chain system by Cory Forsythe + Brian McNamara
2021-01-25 ✍️
Kind Humans Really Work Here
Putting a company policy to the test by Brian McNamara
2021-01-04 ✍️
AWS Serverless Express Finds a Loving Home at Vendia
The AWS Serverless Express open source project graduates from AWS Labs and is now sponsored by Vendia by Brett Andrews + Tim Wagner
2020-12-07 ✍️
Tools That Shape Products
How do the tools we have available shape what we build? by Ryan Scott Brown
2020-11-16 ✍️
Track and Trace using Vendia Unis + Blobs
Learn about how Vendia Unis + Blobs functionality can help streamline common supply chain track & trace issues by Glenn Dierkes
2020-11-05 ✍️
Meet Vendia's founders
Meet Tim Wagner Vendia's CEO and Shruthi Rao Vendia's Vendia CBO by Tim Wagner + Shruthi Rao
2020-07-01 ✍️
Welcome to Vendia
Our mission is to make it easy to share code and data across companies, cloud, geographies, and technology stacks by Tim Wagner + Shruthi Rao
2020-06-30 ✍️


Brett Andrews

Brian McNamara

Cory Forsythe

David Wells

Gavin Yue

Glenn Dierkes

James Gimourginas

Ryan Green

Ryan Scott Brown

Shruthi Rao

Tim Wagner

How to contribute content


  1. Generate a new post file with npm run new
  2. Write your markdown
  3. Commit to the repo

1. Write your content in markdown!

New to markdown? Read this

Checkout the markdown styleguide for examples on how to format things.

2. Name your post file name

Blog posts need to be titled with a date prefix. This helps us keep the content nice and organized here in git.

Make sure to prefix post titles with the year, month and date in this format YYYY-MM-DD.


YYYY-MM-DD-blog-post-name.md 👉 2016-01-27-post-title-here.md

Here is a handy tool for slugifying blog post titles

3. In your post, include post meta information:

Include the post metadata at the top:

title: 'My awesome post title'
description: 'This post is about awesome stuff!'
date: '2016-07-25'
thumbnail: 'http://url-to-thumbnail.jpg'
  - FirstName LastName

Below the post meta, add your markdown:

# Post Heading

This is an awesome paragraph!

## Post SubSection

[Link example](http://my-full-url-with-http-at-the-front.com)

* List item 1
* List item 2
* List item 3

To include code snippets in your post wrap them in ``` blocks with the name of the syntax used. For example, to syntax highlight javascript code wrap the content in ```js

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vitae mauris arcu, eu pretium nisi. Praesent fringilla ornare ullamcorper.

// code snippet with javascript syntax highlighting
console.log('JS code')

4. Add your author bio

If you haven't created an author bio in the /authors folder. Go ahead and do that now.

The name of the file should be the same as the name field used in the blog post meta data. Format: FirstnameLastname (note the caps and no space!)

Example authors/DavidWells.json and DavidWells in the authors field below are the same name and capitalization.

layout: Post
title: 'David's Amazing Post'
 - David Wells # pulls data from authors/DavidWells.json

5. Submit a PR to the repository

Vendia team members

Click here to add a post or submit a PR.

External contributors

To contribute, fork this repo and submit a PR.

We will review and publish your post with our audience on vendia.net.

Ping us with any questions on Twitter @VendiaHQ or post an issue.

Adding Images

To add an image, simply upload your image somewhere on the web and include it in your markdown. The image in your post can live anywhere on the web as long as it’s publicly accessible.

This repo will automatically download, optimize, upload all images to our CDN, and replace then image link in the markdown.

Example using an unsubmitted "draft" github issue to grab an image link.


Use the markdown link generated in your post.

Adding external posts

If you'd like to include an external post written about vendia, you can do so by adding the post to the ./posts/external-posts.json file.

Markdown Resources

Our blog posts are written in markdown and support standard Github flavored markdown. If you are new to Markdown, don't fret, check out this handy how to guide on writing in markdown

Need a Markdown editor? Give stackedit.io, Byword or typora a spin.

Need to convert a Google doc to Markdown? Install this Google Docs extension

Need to convert HTML to Markdown? You can use this handy html to markdown converter

Need to convert Word to Markdown? You can use this handy Word to Markdown Converter

Downloading images from google docs. Recommended to save it as an HTML file

In Docs, go to File > Download as > Web Page (.html, zipped).

Recommended Writing Apps

  • Hemingway App - Hemingway helps you write with power and clarity by highlighting adverbs, passive voice, and dull, complicated words
  • Grammarly - Make Your Writing Clear and Engaging. Easily improve any text. Eliminate grammar errors