sphinx-intl is a utility tool that provides several features that make it easy to translate and to apply translation to Sphinx generated document. Optional: support the Transifex service for translation with Sphinx .
This section describe to translate with Sphinx and sphinx-intl command.
Create your document by using Sphinx.
Add configurations to your conf.py:
locale_dirs = ['locale/'] #path is example but recommended. gettext_compact = False #optional.
locale_dirs is required and gettext_compact is optional.
Extract document's translatable messages into pot files:
$ make gettext
Setup/Update your locale_dir:
$ sphinx-intl update -p _build/locale -l de -l ja
Done. You got these directories that contain po files:
- ./locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
- ./locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/
Translate your po files under ./locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/.
Build mo files and make translated document:
$ sphinx-intl build $ make -e SPHINXOPTS="-D language='ja'" html
That's all!
- create or update po files from pot files.
- build mo files from po files.
- Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, pypy.
- external library: setuptools, six, babel, click
These features need transifex-client library.
- create .transifexrc file from environment variable, without interactive input.
- create .tx/config file without interactive input.
- update .tx/config file from locale/pot files automatically.
- build mo files from po files in the locale directory.
You need to use tx command for below features:
- tx push -s : push pot (translation catalogs) to transifex.
- tx pull -l ja : pull po (translated catalogs) from transifex.
- Your transifex account if you want to download po files from transifex or you want to translate on transifex.
- external library: transifex-client
Recommend strongly: use virtualenv for this procedure:
$ pip install sphinx-intl
If you want to use Optional Features, you need install additional library:
$ pip install sphinx-intl[transifex]
Type sphinx-intl without arguments, options to show command help.
All command-line options can be set with environment variables using the format SPHINXINTL_<UPPER_LONG_NAME> . Dashes (-) have to replaced with underscores (_).
For example, to set the languages:
This is the same as passing the option to sphinx-intl directly:
sphinx-intl <command> --language=de --language=ja
Add below settings to sphinx document's conf.py if not exists:
locale_dirs = ['locale/'] #for example gettext_compact = False #optional
make gettext will generate pot files into _build/locale directory, however pot files should be generated in the locale/pot is convenient. You can be done by replacing _build/locale with locale/pot in your Makefile and/or make.bat that was generated by sphinx-quickstart.
Licensed under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for specific terms.
This utilty derived from these projects.
- https://bitbucket.org/tk0miya/sphinx-gettext-helper
- https://bitbucket.org/shimizukawa/sphinx-transifex
See: https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx-intl/blob/master/CHANGES