
check the type in js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


It can check all data types.

Value typeiss.js
Undeclared variables Undefined
undefined Undefined
Boolean Boolean
Number Number
String String
Function Function
Array Array
Object Object
Date Date
RegExp RegExp
Set Set
Map Map


npm install typeiss


In ES6:

import { typeiss } from 'typeiss'

In Node.js:

const a = require('typeiss')

In a browser:

<script src="typeis.js"></script>


// return variable type
typeiss(undefined) //return Undefined
typeiss(true)     //return Boolean
typeiss('string') //return String

// return the variable type is or not in an array
typeiss(undefined, ['Undefined'])   //return true
typeiss(true, ['Boolean','Array'])  //return true
typeiss(true, ['Array'])            //return false
typeiss('string', ['String','Boolean','Array'])  //return true
typeiss('string', ['Boolean','Array'])           //return false