
a utility supports asynchronous validation

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


a utility supports asynchronous validation


Validation a form is a common task, I need a validation tool that:

  • run asynchronously
await validateObj({
    foo: someAsyncChecker,
}, obj)
  • curried validation function
let validator = validateObj({
    foo: someAsyncChecker
await validator(obj)
  • nested object validation
await validateObj({
    foo: { bar: barChecker }
}, { foo: { bar: 1 } })
  • array of checkers applied to one field
await validateObj({
    foo: [fooChecker1, fooChecker2]
}, obj)


esm way

import { validateObj, checkers } from 'async-validate-obj'

commonjs way

const { validateObj, checkers } = require('async-validate-obj')


import { validateObj, checkers, ValidationError } from 'async-validate-obj'
import emailRegex from 'email-regex'

async submit(user) {
    try {
        await validateObj({
            name: checkers.required(),
            email: checkers.match(emailRegex(), 'should be a valid email'),
            pet: {
                kind: async function (kind) {
                    if (!await checkPetKind(kind)) {
                        throw new Error('pet is not allowed')
        }, user)
    } catch (e) {
        if (e instanceof ValidationError) {
        throw error


validateObj(rules, obj)


  • rules - an object that matches the structure of the obj wait to be validated. The value is a checker or an array of checkers. each checker is a (asynchronous) function who gets two parameters, the first one is the value of matching field of obj, the second one is the obj. and this points to the current nested object, for example:

        a: {
            b: function bChecker(b, root) {
            // b will be 1
            // root will be { a: { b: 1 } }
            // *this* will be {b: 1}
    }, { a: { b: 1 } })

    if an array of checkers provided, the field will be validated one by one, until an error met.

    a checker could throw an error or return a rejected promise when validation is failed

  • obj - the object to be validated, if not provided, a curried function will be returned


a promise, if all validations passed, it will be resolved, otherwise it will be rejected with an error of type ValidationError, it will has a field errors, which holds the details.

import { checkers, validateObj, ValidationError } from 'async-validate-obj'

    a: required('a can not be empty')
}, {})
  .catch(function (err) {
    if (err instanceof ValidationError) {
      console.log(err.errors) // { a: 'a can not be empty' }
    throw err


check if a field is empty, if not, throw an error with the given message.


  • message - optional, if not provided, it defaults to 'should not be empty'

checkers.match(regex, message)

check if a field matches regex, if not, throw an error with the given message.


  • message - optional, if not provided, it defaults to 'does not match pattern ' + regex
  • regex - regular expression to be matched


$ git clone https://github.com/xiechao06/async-validate-obj.git
$ cd async-validate-obj
$ npm ci
$ npm run dev # watch and test
$ npm run build