This is an Angular wrapper library for the Perfect Scrollbar. To use this library you should get familiar with the Perfect Scrollbar documentation as well, this documentation only explains details specific to this wrapper.
This documentation is for the latest 5.x.x version which requires Angular 5. For Angular 4 you need to use the latest 4.x.x version. Documentation for the 4.x.x can be found from here.
See a live example application here.
npm install
npm start
cd example
npm install
npm start
npm link
cd example
npm link ngx-perfect-scrollbar
npm install ngx-perfect-scrollbar@4.9.4 --save
import { PerfectScrollbarModule } from 'ngx-perfect-scrollbar';
import { PERFECT_SCROLLBAR_CONFIG } from 'ngx-perfect-scrollbar';
import { PerfectScrollbarConfigInterface } from 'ngx-perfect-scrollbar';
const DEFAULT_PERFECT_SCROLLBAR_CONFIG: PerfectScrollbarConfigInterface = {
suppressScrollX: true
imports: [
providers: [
This library provides two ways to create a Perfect Scrollbar element, a component and a directive. Component tries to make the usage as simple as possible and the directive is meant for more custom / advanced use cases.
The scroll area always needs some fixed height to work. The default styles uses 100% as the height value so the parent needs to have fixed height or you need to set it via CSS styles. Otherwise the height keeps growing and you won't get the scrollbars.
Simply replace the element that would ordinarily be passed to PerfectScrollbar
with the perfect-scollbar component.
<perfect-scrollbar style="max-width: 600px; max-height: 400px;" [config]="config">
<div>Scrollable content</div>
[config] // Custom config to override the global defaults.
[disabled] // Disables the Perfect Scrollbar initialization.
[usePSClass] // Use 'ps' class (needed by the ps theme styles).
[autoPropagation] // Automatic swipe and wheel propagation control.
[scrollIndicators] // Enable fading edges scroll indicators showing.
(<psEventName>) // All Perfect Scrollbar events work as bindings.
// Event names are in camel case (not kebab case).
// Example: ps-y-reach-start -> psYReachStart
When using only the directive you need to provide your own theming or import the default theme:
@import '~perfect-scrollbar/css/perfect-scrollbar.css';
Perfect Scrollbar directive should be used with div elements and can take optional custom configuration:
<div class="ps" style="position: relative; max-width: 600px; max-height: 400px;" [perfectScrollbar]="config">
<div>Scrollable content</dib>
[perfectScrollbar] // Can be used to provide optional custom config.
[disabled] // Disables the Perfect Scrollbar initialization.
(<psEventName>) // All Perfect Scrollbar events work as bindings.
// Event namea are in camel case (not kebab case).
// Example: ps-y-reach-start -> psYReachStart
handlers // List of event handlers to scroll the element.
wheelSpeed // Scroll speed for the mousewheel event (Default: 1).
swipeEasing // Use easing for the swipe scrolling (Default: true).
wheelPropagation // Propagate wheel events at the end (Default: false).
swipePropagation // Propagate swipe events at the end (Default: true).
suppressScrollX // Disable X axis in all situations (Default: false).
suppressScrollY // Disable Y axis ni all situations (Default: false).
useBothWheelAxes // Always use both of the wheel axes (Default: false).
minScrollbarLength // Minimum size (px) for the scrollbar (Default: null).
maxScrollbarLength // Maximum size (px) for the scrollbar (Default: null).
scrollXMarginOffset // Offset before enabling the X scroller (Default: 0).
scrollYMarginOffset // Offset before enabling the Y scroller (Default: 0).
For more detailed documentation with all the supported events / options see the Perfect Scrollbar documentation.
ps() // Returns reference to the PS instance.
update() // Updates the scrollbar size and position.
geometry(prefix) // Returns the geometry with specified prefix.
position(absolute) // Returns the reach or absolute scroll position,
scrollable(direction) // Checks if the given direction is scrollable.
// Direction can be: 'any', 'both', 'x', 'y'
scrollTo(x, y, speed?) // Animate scroll to given x,y coordinates.
scrollToY(position, speed?) // Animate scroll to given vertical position.
scrollToX(position, speed?) // Animate scroll to given horizontal position.
scrollToTop(offset, speed?) // Animate scroll to given offset from the top.
scrollToLeft(offset, speed?) // Animate scroll to given offset from the left.
scrollToRight(offset, speed?) // Animate scroll to given offset from the right.
scrollToBottom(offset, speed?) // Animate scroll to given offset from the bottom.
Above functions can be accessed through the directive reference (available as directiveRef in the component).