
A pure TypeScript ZooKeeper client module for Node.js.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Coverage Status license

A pure TypeScript ZooKeeper client module for Node.js.


  • lodash
  • tslib


npm i zk-client
const ZK = require('zk-client');
const client = ZK.createClient('');

(async () => {
  await client.connect();

  if (!await client.exists('/test')) {
    await client.create('/test');

  await client.setData('/test', 'some data');

  await client.create('/test/1');
  console.log(await client.getChildren('/test'));
  await client.delete('/test/1');

  await client.close();
})().catch(err => {
const ZK = require('zk-client');
const client = ZK.createClient('');

(async () => {
  await client.connect();

  await client
    .setData('/test', 'some data')

  await client.close();
})().catch(err => {



new Client(connectionString[, options])

  • connectionString string | Array<string>
  • options object
    • authInfo Array<{ scheme: string, auth: string | Buffer }> scheme:auth information
    • configNode string default: /zookeeper/config
    • connectTimeout number socket connect timeout, default: 5000
    • reconnectInterval number Time to wait after try all server failed, default: 1000
    • retries number Times to retry send packet to server, default: 3
    • retryInterval number Time to wait before retry send, default: 0
    • showFriendlyErrorStack boolean Show friendly error stack, default: development ? true : false
    • logger { error: Function, info: Function, warn: Function, debug: Function }
    • PacketManager PacketManager
    • WatcherManager WatcherManager




  • Returns: sessionId buffer

The session id for this ZooKeeper client instance. The value returned is not valid until the client connects to a server and may change after a re-connect.


  • Returns: sessionPassword buffer

The session password for this ZooKeeper client instance. The value returned is not valid until the client connects to a server and may change after a re-connect.


  • Returns: sessionTimeout number

The negotiated session timeout for this ZooKeeper client instance. The value returned is not valid until the client connects to a server and may change after a re-connect.


  • Returns: Promise<void>

Start the client and try to connect to the ensemble.


  • Returns: Promise<void>

Close this client object. Once the client is closed, its session becomes invalid. All the ephemeral nodes in the ZooKeeper server associated with the session will be removed. The watches left on those nodes (and on their parents) will be triggered.

client.create(path[, data[, acl[, flags]]])

  • path string the path for the node
  • data string|Buffer the initial data for the node
  • acl Array<Jute.data.ACL> the acl for the node, default: Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE
  • flags number specifying whether the node to be created is ephemeral and/or sequential, default: CreateMode.PERSISTENT
  • Returns: Promise<Jute.proto.CreateResponse>

Create a node with the given path. The node data will be the given data, and node acl will be the given acl.

client.create2(path[, data[, acl[, flags[, ttl]]]])

  • path string the path for the node
  • data string|Buffer the initial data for the node
  • acl Array<Jute.data.ACL> the acl for the node, default: Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE
  • flags number specifying whether the node to be created is ephemeral and/or sequential, default: CreateMode.PERSISTENT
  • ttl Buffer specifying a TTL when mode is CreateMode.PERSISTENT_WITH_TTL or CreateMode.PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL_WITH_TTL
  • Returns: Promise<Jute.proto.Create2Response>

Create a node with the given path and returns the Stat of that node. The node data will be the given data and node acl will be the given acl.

client.delete(path[, version])

  • path string the path for the node
  • version number the expected node version, default: -1
  • Returns: Promise<void>

Delete the node with the given path. The call will succeed if such a node exists, and the given version matches the node's version (if the given version is -1, it matches any node's versions).

client.setData(path, data[, version])

  • path string the path for the node
  • data string|Buffer the data to set
  • version number the expected node version, default: -1
  • Returns: Promise<Jute.proto.SetDataResponse>

Set the data for the node of the given path if such a node exists and the given version matches the version of the node (if the given version is -1, it matches any node's versions). Return the stat of the node.

client.getData(path[, watcher])

  • path string the node path
  • watcher (event: Jute.proto.WatcherEvent) => any explicit watcher
  • Returns: Promise<Jute.proto.GetDataResponse>

Return the data and the stat of the node of the given path.

client.setACL(path, acl[, version])

  • path string the given path for the node
  • acl Array<Jute.data.ACL> the given acl for the node
  • version number the given acl version of the node, default: -1
  • Returns: Promise<Jute.proto.SetACLResponse>

Set the ACL for the node of the given path if such a node exists and the given aclVersion matches the acl version of the node. Return the stat of the node.


  • path string the given path for the node
  • Returns: Promise<Jute.proto.GetACLResponse>

Retrieve the ACL list and the stat of the node of the given path.

client.exists(path[, watcher])

  • path string the node path
  • watcher (event: Jute.proto.WatcherEvent) => any explicit watcher
  • Returns: Promise<Jute.proto.ExistsResponse>

Return the stat of the node of the given path. Return null if no such a node exists.

client.getChildren(path[, watcher])

  • path string the node path
  • watcher (event: Jute.proto.WatcherEvent) => any explicit watcher
  • Returns: Promise<Jute.proto.GetChildrenResponse>

Return the list of the children of the node of the given path.

client.getChildren2(path[, watcher])

  • path string the node path
  • watcher (event: Jute.proto.WatcherEvent) => any explicit watcher
  • Returns: Promise<Jute.proto.GetChildren2Response>

For the given znode path return the stat and children list.


  • path string the node path
  • Returns: Promise<Jute.proto.GetAllChildrenNumberResponse>

Gets all numbers of children nodes under a specific path


  • path prefixPath
  • Returns: Promise<Jute.proto.GetEphemeralsResponse>

Gets all the ephemeral nodes matching prefixPath created by this session. If prefixPath is "/" then it returns all ephemerals


  • path path
  • Returns: Promise<Jute.proto.SyncResponse>

Flushes channel between process and leader.


  • Returns: Transaction

A Transaction is a thin wrapper on the multi method which provides a builder object that can be used to construct and commit an atomic set of operations.


  • Returns: Array<string>


  • Returns: Array<string>


  • Returns: Array<string>

client.removeWatches(path, watcher, type)

  • path path
  • watcher (event: Jute.proto.WatcherEvent) => any explicit watcher
  • type number the type of watcher to be removed
  • Returns: Promise<void>

For the given znode path, removes the specified watcher of given watcherType.

client.removeAllWatches(path, type)

  • path path
  • type number the type of watcher to be removed
  • Returns: Promise<void>

For the given znode path, removes all the registered watchers of given watcherType.


  • watcher (event: Jute.proto.WatcherEvent) => any explicit watcher
  • Returns: Promise<Jute.proto.GetDataResponse>

Return the last committed configuration (as known to the server to which the client is connected) and the stat of the configuration.


t.create(path[, data[, acl[, flags]]])

  • path string the path for the node
  • data string|Buffer the initial data for the node
  • acl Array<Jute.data.ACL> the acl for the node, default: Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE
  • flags number specifying whether the node to be created is ephemeral and/or sequential, default: CreateMode.PERSISTENT
  • Returns: this

Add a create operation with given path, data, acls and mode.

t.check(path[, version])

  • path string the path for the node
  • version number the expected node version, default: -1
  • Returns: this

Add a check (existence) operation with given path and optional version.

t.setData(path, data[, version])

  • path string the path for the node
  • data string|Buffer the data to set
  • version number the expected node version, default: -1
  • Returns: this

Add a set-data operation with the given path, data and optional version.

t.remove(path, data[, version])

  • path string the path for the node
  • version number the expected node version, default: -1
  • Returns: this

Add a delete operation with the given path and optional version.


  • Returns: Promise<Array<{ header: Jute.proto.MultiHeader, payload: object }>>

Execute the transaction atomically.


A high level api to use zookeeper with shell commands.


touch file.


mkdir -p dir.

shell.cp(from, to)

cp file1 file2.

shell.cpr(from, to)

cp -r fileOrDir fileOrDir.

shell.mv(from, to)

mv fileOrDir fileOrDir.


ls dir.


tree dir.


cat file.


rm fileOrDir.


rm -rf fileOrDir.

ZK.createClient(connectionString[, options])























Jute is a serialization tool of Zookeeper.

Type mapping:

  • ustring: string
  • int: number
  • long: Buffer
  • buffer: Buffer
  • vector: Array
  • boolean: boolean

See: https://github.com/apache/zookeeper/blob/master/zookeeper-jute/src/main/resources/zookeeper.jute


This module is licensed under MIT License