
Solutions to Jane Street Puzzles

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Collection of codes used to solve Jane Street puzzles.

To archive website:

wkhtmltopdf <website_url> <filename.pdf>


Hooks 8

Solved with the aid of constraint programming.

Solved on 25/03/2022.

Python 3.9.9

  • ortools 9.3.10497
  • numpy 1.22.2
  • scipy 1.8.0
  • matplotlib 3.5.1 (to visualise grid)

Knights 4

Solved with constraint programming.

Solved on 03/04/2022.

Python 3.9.9

  • ortools 9.3.10497
  • numpy 1.22.2
  • matplotlib 3.5.1 (to visualise grid)

Almost Magic

  • Solved with constraint programming (very slow: around 30 mins).
  • Solved with mixed integer programming (faster: around 5 mins).

Solved on 03/04/2022.

Python 3.9.9

  • ortools 9.3.10497