
DNS channel flow code written in C accelerated by MPI-CUDA

Primary LanguageC

Style guide




mpirun -n 4 ./a.out 1 1 -r 2 -c 2
paste logs/*.log | less

Decomp & MPI partition


Arbitrary shared-memory comm (sm_comm) split where each sm_comm handles its own Send/Recv.


  1. Arbitrary sm_comm split.

    +-----+-----+-----+    '+' denotes boundary of single proc
    |  1        |  2  |     +--> p_col
    +-----+-----+-----+     |
    |  2  |  3        |     V
    +-----+-----+-----+     p_row
    1. Leader in each sm_comm manages transfers to/from other sm_comm.

      Since each sm_comm might not have the same relative domain in the cartesian grid, transfers will get very messy.

      In above example, during Send/Recv to the right, sm_comm_1 has to compute the relevant subarrays of sm_comm_2 and sm_comm_3.

    2. Each proc of sm_comm manages its own transfer by determining whether its neighbour is internal or external to sm_comm.

      In above example, during Send/Recv to the right, first proc in sm_comm_1 only sees one proc in sm_comm_2, while second proc in sm_comm_1 only sees one proc in sm_comm_3.


    Are there benefits/drawbacks for splitting sm_comm_2 into 2 sub-communicators that don't crossover p_col? YES

    • 2D/3D array indexing will be extremely difficult to handle
  2. Enforce size of sm_comm to either a) divide p_col or b) be divisible by p_col.

    a)                     b)
    +-----+-----+          +-----+-----+
    |  1        |          |  1  |  2  |
    +-----+-----+          +-----+-----+
    |  2        |          |  3  |  4  |
    +-----+-----+          +-----+-----+

    This can be achieved by:

    • Ensuring p_col is set accordingly with nCPU per node on particular device to satisfy above conditions.
      • Will need to make sure entire nodes are occupied (i.e. don't share a node with other jobs)
    • Ensuring procs on a node are allocated to the same p_col. Options:
      1. Block-allocate the processes, i.e. (0-23) on node 0, (24-47) on node 1, ...

        The proc ranks (in MPI_COMM_WORLD) on a node SHOULD by default ensure MPI_Cart_create(...,reorder=1,...) aligns with the shared memory communicator.

      2. Deal-allocate the processes, i.e. (0,n,2n,...) on node 0, (1,n+1,2n+1,...) on node 1, ...

        Same as above? Or split communicator by shared memory, then create adjacency matrix for MPI_Graph_create to ensure they are aligned in p_col.