- 本API提供简单的接口去调用JPush Push API v3
- 本API提供简单的接口去调用JPush Report API
PHP >= 5.3
解压 examples/vendor.tar.gz 到项目目录,在需要使用JPush的源文件头部 引入 vendor/autoload.php 既可使用。
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
Use composer to fetch the library and dependencies defined in composer.json
, and install them:
#download the composer.phar
$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
#install by composer.json
$ php composer.phar install
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use JPush\Model as M;
use JPush\JPushClient;
use JPush\Exception\APIConnectionException;
use JPush\Exception\APIRequestException;
$br = '<br/>';
$client = new JPushClient($app_key, $master_secret);
$result = $client->push()
->setNotification(M\notification('Hi, JPush'))
echo 'Push Success.' . $br;
echo 'sendno : ' . $result->sendno . $br;
echo 'msg_id : ' .$result->msg_id . $br;
echo 'Response JSON : ' . $result->json . $br;
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use JPush\Model as M;
use JPush\JPushClient;
use JPush\Exception\APIConnectionException;
use JPush\Exception\APIRequestException;
$br = '<br/>';
$client = new JPushClient($app_key, $master_secret);
$msg_ids = '1931816610,1466786990,1931499836';
$result = $client->report($msg_ids);
foreach($result->received_list as $received) {
echo '---------' . $br;
echo 'msg_id : ' . $received->msg_id . $br;
echo 'android_received : ' . $received->android_received . $br;
echo 'ios_apns_sent : ' . $received->ios_apns_sent . $br;