
[CVPR'20] ZeroQ Mixed-Precision implementation (unofficial): A Novel Zero Shot Quantization Framework

Primary LanguagePython

ZeroQ: A Novel Zero Shot Quantization Framework

New Feature

  • MixPrecision (MP).
ZeroQ ResNet18-W6A6 ResNet50-W6A6 ResNet50-W4A8 MobileNetV2-W6a6 MobileNetV2-W4a8 ShuffleNet-W6A6 ShuffleNet-W4A8
size(MB) 8.35 18.27 12.17 2.50 1.67 1.11 0.74
acc(Paper) 71.30 77.43 75.80 72.85 69.44 62.90 58.96
acc(train) 70.81 66.72 73.37 72.14 50.42 46.79 52.82
acc(distill) 69.86 70.97 72.72 72.14 53.54 36.42 50.53
acc(train)per0.999 69.04 74.24 71.55 71.86 59.81 61.33 51.34
acc(train)per0.9999 71.12 76.78 73.63 72.05 60.26 62.19 52.26
acc(train)per0.99999 71.16 76.97 73.62 72.18 59.12 60.64 52.72
acc(distill)per0.99999 71.33 76.27 72.97 72.20 53.48 59.58 50.97
acc(distill)per0.9999 70.96 76.27 72.48 72.20 53.19 61.59 50.59
model fp32 8/8-random 8/8-distill 8/8-train
resnet18 71.47 60.14 71.70 71.79
resnet50 77.72 74.17 77.57 77.61
inceptionv3 78.88 72.10 78.72 78.74
mobilenetv2_w1 73.03 63.05 72.91 72.93
shufflenet_g1_w1 65.07 9.83 64.94 64.69
sqnxt23_w2 69.38 40.90 69.17 69.34


This repository contains the PyTorch implementation for the CVPR 2020 paper ZeroQ: A Novel Zero-Shot Quantization Framework. Below are instructions for reproducing classification results. Please see detection readme for instructions to reproduce object detection results.

You can find a short video explanation of ZeroQ here.


# Code is based on PyTorch 1.2 (Cuda10). Other dependancies could be installed as follows: 
cd classification
pip install -r requirements.txt --user
# Set a symbolic link to ImageNet validation data (used only to evaluate model) 
mkdir data
ln -s /path/to/imagenet/ data/

The folder structures should be the same as following

├── utils
├── data
│   ├── imagenet
│   │   ├── val

Afterwards you can test Zero Shot quantization with W8A8 by running:

bash run.sh

Below are the results that you should get for 8-bit quantization (W8A8 refers to the quantizing model to 8-bit weights and 8-bit activations).

Models Single Precision Top-1 W8A8 Top-1 W8A8 Top-1 Single Precision Top-1
ResNet18 71.47 71.43 71.614 71.97
ResNet50 77.72 77.67 77.542 77.72
InceptionV3 78.88 78.72
MobileNetV2 73.03 72.91 73.03
ShuffleNet 65.07 64.94 64.478 65.07
SqueezeNext 69.38 69.17 68.768 69.38


  • You can test a single model using the following command:
python uniform_test.py [--dataset] [--model] [--batch_size] [--test_batch_size]

optional arguments:
--dataset                   type of dataset (default: imagenet)
--model                     model to be quantized (default: resnet18)
--batch-size                batch size of distilled data (default: 64)
--test-batch-size           batch size of test data (default: 512)


ZeroQ has been developed as part of the following paper. We appreciate it if you would please cite the following paper if you found the implementation useful for your work:

  title={Zeroq: A novel zero shot quantization framework},
  author={Cai, Yaohui and Yao, Zhewei and Dong, Zhen and Gholami, Amir and Mahoney, Michael W and Keutzer, Kurt},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},