
A simple gem provides Kuaidi100 enterprise-edition APIs, includes query the express track and subscribe notification.

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A simple gem provides Kuaidi100 enterprise-edition APIs, includes query the express track and subscribe notification.

Build Status


Add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'kuaidi100', :github => 'xifengzhu/kuaidi100'

And then execute:

$ bundle



Create config/initializers/kuaidi100.rb and put following configurations into it.

# required
Kuaidi100.key = 'key'
Kuaidi100.customer = 'customer_id'
Kuaidi100.salt = "salt"
Kuaidi100.callbackurl = "http://${domain}.com"


Kuaidi100 gem supports express track query and subscribe push from kuaidi100.

** Get official document from kuaidi100 for detailed request params and return fields**

Common Kuaidi100 Express Code:


Express Track Query

result = Kuaidi100::Service.logistic_traces("765698489802", "shunfeng", {mobiletelephone: '132xxxxxxxx'})
# => {
#      "message"=>"ok",
#      "nu"=>"765720722994",
#      "ischeck"=>"0",
#      "condition"=>"00",
#      "com"=>"shunfeng",
#      "status"=>"200",
#      "state"=>"0",
#      "data"=>[
#         {
#            "time"=>"2018-08-11 20:19:08", "ftime"=>"2018-08-11 20:19:08", "context"=>"[广州市]快件到达 【广州番禺集散中心】"
#          }, {
#            "time"=>"2018-08-11 19:49:08", "ftime"=>"2018-08-11 19:49:08", "context"=>"[广州市]快件已发车"
#          }, {
#            "time"=>"2018-08-11 19:13:55", "ftime"=>"2018-08-11 19:13:55", "context"=>"[广州市]快件在【广州番禺石北营业点】已装车,准备发往 【广州番禺集散中心】"
#          },{
#            "time"=>"2018-08-11 18:06:00", "ftime"=>"2018-08-11 18:06:00", "context"=>"[广州市]顺丰速运 已收取快件"
#          }
#        ]
#      }
#    }

注: mobiletelephone 顺丰快递为必填参数

Subscribe Push from Kuaidi100

result = Kuaidi100::Service.subscribe("765698489802", "shunfeng", {mobiletelephone: '132xxxxxxxx'})
# => {
#       "result":true,
#       "returnCode":"200",
#       "message":"提交成功"
#    }

注: mobiletelephone 顺丰快递为必填参数

Notify Process

A simple example of processing notify.

# config/routes.rb
post "notify" => "express#notify"

# app/controllers/express_controller.rb

def notify
  if Kuaidi100::Sign.callback_verify?(params)

    # find your logistic and update it

    render json: { result: true, returnCode: "200", message: "成功" }
    render json: { result: false, returnCode: "500", message: "签名失败" }, status: 500


Bug report or pull request are welcome.

Make a pull request

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Please write unit test with your code if necessary.


This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.