
A simple but powerful Discord bot for the AzuraCast web radio suite.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Azuri Logo

Azuri: A Discord bot for AzuraCast

Build Status Apache 2.0 License Ethical Open Source DeepScan grade Twitter Follow Invite Image

Azuri is a simple but powerful Discord bot to intergrate the open-source web radio management suite AzuraCast into your Discord community.


Invite Image

Overview Photos

Azuri is currently in active development with new features and bugs fixed on the daily and is not a final product in any means. Azuri was created to support new radio's that use AzuraCast and provide a platform to connect the radio and community.

Hosted or Self Hosted?

Azuri is hosted allowing anyone to invite the bot using this invite into their server and experiance it to it's full potential. Want to go the extra mile and make it custom? Fllow the steps below.

Installing Self-Hosted Version

Azuri is open-source, so you can host your own! If you want to customize something or just want a seocnd that's fine!


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose (included with Docker Desktop for Windows or Mac)

Installation and Usage

  1. Copy azuri.sample.env to azuri.env
  2. Edit azuri.env with your BOT_TOKEN
  3. Run docker-compose up -d

*¹ - This can be generated here view a guide here

Direct Installation


Installation & Usage

To install and run follow these steps:

  1. Copy azuri.sample.env to src/.env
  2. Change into the src directory
  3. Edit .env with your BOT_TOKEN
  4. Run npm ci
  5. Run npm run azuri

Dependencies Used

We use multiple packages to make sure the bot is the easiest to use and navigate for the end-user.

Discord.JS w/ Opus offical NodeJS library.

Axios used for API calls

dotenv used for .env files and enviroment variables

ffmpeg used for audio streaming

fs used for storing data in files

Dev Resources

nodemon hot reloading for development

eslint used for code functionaility and error checking

Bug Reporting

Found a bug? Report it!

Before reporting please check Issues and Projects

Feature Request

Thought of a great idea? Reuqest it!

Before requesting please check Issues and Projects


Azuri is provided free of charge but if you feel it's useful support us!


Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com


Check for their infomation!


Azuri is licensed under the Apache license, version 2.0. This project is free and open-source software, pull requests are always welcome along with bug and feature reports/requests