
Project for Operating System Course, Semester 2018 Spring.

Primary LanguageAssembly


Supported Functions(up to 1st July)

  • Support command line, a simple shell.
  • Support six-status(origin, ready, running, blocked, suspend, exit) process model.
  • Support sub-thread mechanism.
  • Support dynamic memory management and heap memory allocation.
  • Support file system.
  • Support virtual file system.
  • Support semaphore mechanism.
  • Support delay mechanism.
  • support multiple terminals.


  •          ls : list the information of the folders and files inside 
                   the current work path in the below format:
            name    size    loaded memory address    type
                                     (lma)   (E:executable, F:folder, D: document)
  •        date : show the current time of the system.
  •      reboot : reboot the computer.
  •        exit : shutdown the computer immediately.
  •       clear : clear the terminal.
  •         man : show this help file.
  •          ps : show the processes.
  •   kill [Id] : kill a process with specified Id.
  •   rm [name] : remove a file.
  • type [name] : show the contents of a file.
  •         run : following by a list of programs, seperated by "enter".
  •   susp [id] : suspend a process 
  •   acti [id] : activate a process 
  • cp [sour] [des] : cp files
  • touch [name] : create files
  • use "./" and the program following without space to run the program.


Demo 1:

Six-status model

Demo 2:

Sub-thread and heap memory allocation mechanism

Demo 3:

File system demo 1

File system demo 2

Demo 4:

Multiple Terminal