Artifactory integration with jenkins job builder using the generic integration at the moment.
If there is any extra thing you want to add or you want to see what values jenkins is putting in the fields, do the following.Manually configure a jenkins job to enable artifactory integration and add the values you want. Then visit the JOB url by adding a config.xml at the end to get the config for the job in XML.It should be like that
<org.jfrog.hudson.generic.ArtifactoryGenericConfigurator plugin="artifactory@2.2.7">
If something is missing add it in the or modify it to cover more use cases.Then having a yaml job with the following will work:
delay: 120
- job:
name: "xxxxxx"
workspace: "xxxxx"
description: "xxxxxxx"
project-type: freestyle
auth-token: "xxxxxx"
- shell: |
- artifactory:
artifactory-name: "xxxx"
artifactory-repository-key: "xxxxx"
artifactory-snapshot-repository-key: "xxxxx"
artifactory-url: "xxxxx"
artifactory-deploy-pattern: "*.rpm"
artifactory-deploy-buildinfo: "true"
artifactory-include-envvars: "true"
artifactory-exclude-patterns: "*password*,*secret*"
artifactory-discard-oldbuilds: "false"
artifactory-discard-buildartifacts: "true"
artifactory-multiconf: "false"
package{ 'jenkins-jobs-artifactory':
provider => 'pip',
source => 'git+'
This is locked at the moment to version of 2.2.7 of jenkins artifactory. I need to make the version a variable.