1D ARAP Energy with Cauchy-Green Invariants

The full title of the project is 1D Strand Simulation with Cauchy-Green Invariants based ARAP Energy. It is too long, so I took the liberty to do some deletion and re-ordering of words.

I usually feel hungry when seeing a topic of the form <sth> with <sth> because many recipe titles are of that form as well! Take apple pie with vanilla ice cream as an example, which is one of my favorite desserts.

You can find my C++ programs, example settings, animation results and a project report in this repository.

Build & Run

The only dependencies are OpenGL (including glm and glfw) and the Eigen library. Linux is strongly recommended for Windows users, for the simplicity of configuring enviroment.

I wrote a simple Makefile that only works in Linux. So after cloning this repository, you can just go to the repo's directory and enter make in the command line.

After successfully creating the executable main, you can use the command make run to experience the model in a simple 2-node setting. Alternatively, you can explore the example settings in the files directory. They are in .txt files, which I will elaborate in detail later. You can pass the location of a setting file as argument to run. For example, use the command ./main files/4nodes.txt if you are still in the repo's root directory.

Setting Format

The format of setting files is outlined below. You can use this to understand the example settings and even customise your settings.

  • Line 1: title (can be anything, will appear in window)
  • Line 2: g
  • Line 3: true or false (true for gravity, false for no gravity)
  • Line 4: p n i
    • n = number of particles
    • i = which particle is static (-1 for none)
  • Line 4 + j: x y z w (for the particle with index j)
  • Line 4 + (n + 1): s m
    • m = number of springs
  • Line 4 + (n + 1) + k: i j k l
    • i = first particle index
    • j = second particle index
    • k = constant
    • l = rest length


Use the following keys to control after launching the OpenGL window.

  • SPACE key -> toggles animation
  • ENTER key -> steps through animation
  • G key -> toggles gravity