
Code and data for "ImgTrojan: Jailbreaking Vision-Language Models with ONE Image"

Primary LanguagePython

ImgTrojan: Jailbreaking Vision-Language Models with ONE Image

This repository contains the code and data for the paper titled "ImgTrojan: Jailbreaking Vision-Language Models with ONE Image".

🌟 Arxiv Preprint

Flowchart for ImgTrojan, credit to Chris, Shuai Zhong



Please find the poisoned part of our training data in data/ for illustration purposes.

The complete training datasets can be downloaded here. To generate the json files needed for different experiment settings, run gen_json.py, also included in Google drive. Place them in finetune/playground/data/ for fine-tuning use.


Please find the fine-tuning codes in finetune/.

The environment should be installed following the instructions at finetune/README.md. Enter the subdirectory by

cd finetune

to conduct the following experiments. We fine-tuned the LLaVA models with 4 x RTX 4090. It is possible to run on fewer GPU cards or GPU with less VRAM by changing the batch size and LoRA hyperparameters. Quoted from the LLaVA repo,

To train on fewer GPUs, you can reduce the per_device_train_batch_size and increase the gradient_accumulation_steps accordingly. Always keep the global batch size the same: per_device_train_batch_size x gradient_accumulation_steps x num_gpus.

Standard ImgTrojan attack

Our main experiments involve the standard ImgTrojan attack. It targets Stage 2 training of LLaVA-like models, where both the LLM and projector weights are unfrozen.

Download training .json files (e.g., gpt4v_llava_10k_hypo_0.01.json) as well as the image dataset following the previous instructions. The .json files are named by the rule gpt4v_llava_10k_<jbp>_<poison-ratio>. In addition, the images are contained within gpt4v.zip, which should be extracted to get gpt4v/. Place them in playground/data/.

Run poison.sh to perform ImgTrojan attack.

Attack with different parts of weights unfrozen

We analyze the effect of training only part of the original trainable parameters. Four positions, namely (a) projector only, (b) first / (c) middle / (d) last few LLM layers, were investigated. They are code-named, proj, first, middle, last, respectively.

Follow the same steps as the standard ImgTrojan attack. In unfreeze_position.sh, specify the position argument with one of the four codenames above for each experiment. After setting all the arguments required, run unfreeze_position.sh.

Attack at Stage 1 checkpoints

To investigate the robustness of our attack, we considered a potentially more challenging setting that involves re-timing the attack to immediately after Stage 1 and then perform the standard Stage 2 instruction tuning.

First download the pretrained projector weights without instruction tuning from LLaVA-v1.5 Hugging Face. Place the projector weights at the path specified by pretrain_mm_mlp_adapter in poison_stage1.sh, i.e., at ./checkpoints/llava-v1.5-7b-pretrain/mm_projector.bin.

Run poison_stage1.sh to perform ImgTrojan attack with stage 1 checkpoints.

Instruction tuning with clean data

This experiment is a successor to the previous experiment. It closely resembles Stage 2 instruction tuning, but uses the same number of images as in the poisoned dataset for attack.

After running poison_stage1.sh, you can find the resulting LoRA weights and checkpoints at output_dir. Then, the LoRA weights should be combined with the Vicuna checkpoint:

python scripts/merge_lora_weights.py --model-path <output_dir> --model-base lmsys/vicuna-7b-v1.5 --save-model-path <desired_path_for_combined_weights>

In sft.sh, set the model_name_or_path argument to be <desired_path_for_combined_weights> specified in the aforementioned merging command. Run sft.sh to perform instruction tuning with clean data.

Remark Only one setting is included in each bash file. For different settings (e.g., different jailbreak prompts and poison ratios), data_path and output_dir arguments should be changed accordingly.


Please find the evaluation codes in evaluation/.

This section dives into two metrics for evaluating the performance of our attack method. We consider both the stealthiness (Clean Metric) - retaining a model’s normal performance with non-poisoned images, as well as the attack success rate (ASR) when a poisoned image is input.

Clean Metric

Please find the clean metric codes in caption_accur_metric/.

1. Require the Description

Use the query <image>\nDescribe this image in detail. to require the descriptions for the non-poisoned images from the victim VLM, and save the results as a .jsonl file for further exploration.

Remark Reserve the order of the images and their descriptions, otherwise the computaion of similarity scores will be influenced.

2. Calculate the BLEU or CIDEr Score

Please download the reference file coco-val-df.p from here and put it into the directory captions/ref/.

Please locate the script cap_accur_bleu_demo_multi.ipynb and cap_accur_cider_demo_multi.ipynb in the subdirectory script/. Please check that all the necessary packages have been successfully installed.

Set variable hypo_dir as the directory saving the input .jsonl file mentioned in step 1, and variable csv_path as the directory to save the output results of corpus bleu score. Then run the script.

Attack Success Rate (ASR)

Please find the attack success rate codes in attack_rate_metric/.

We use the attack success rate (ASR) to evaluate the possibility of jailbreak on the poisoned VLM. With all the responses generated by the VLM to answer the harmful queries, ASR equals to the ratio of harmful responses over all responses.

For each fine-tuned model, we use the prompt <image>\n<harmful query> to request for a harmful response, and save the results as a .jsonl file for further exploration.

1. Safety Annotation Guideline:

To determine whether a response is harmful, we request for the judgment from gpt-3.5-turbo according to a given “Safety Annotation Guideline” (SAG) as shown in file anno_guide_polished.txt located at /guideline.

Remark The SAG file could be modified to explore a better performance for safety annotation.

2. ChatGPT Annotation

Please locate the script file gpt_anno_demo.ipynb at /script, and check that all the necessary packages have been successfully installed.

Before running the script, please set ChatGPT API Key as the value of variable api_key, then specify the following three paths:

anno_guide_path: path of the SAG file for reference.

candidate_path: path of the candidate .jsonl file to be annotated.

csv_path & png_path: path to output the annotation results in .csv file and .png file.

Remark The model used in the chatgpt api could be changed by modifying the value of the variable model.