Kinect Fusion


frames RGB + depth map

k Frame Processing

  • Depth Map preprocessing $\mathbf{D}_k$

$$ d \xrightarrow{B} D $$

$B$ means BilateralFilter

  • Camera Intrinsic + DepthMap $\rightarrow$ Points Cloud $\mathbf{V}_k$

$$ \begin{bmatrix} x \y \ z\end{bmatrix} = \mathbf{M}^{-1}\begin{bmatrix} u \v \ d\end{bmatrix} $$

  • Normal Map $\mathbf{N}_k$

$$ N(u,v) = [\mathbf{V}(u+1,v)-\mathbf{V}(u,v)] \times [\mathbf{V}(u,v+1)-\mathbf{V}(u,v)] $$

Pose Estimation

point-plane ICP $$ \mathbf{E}\left(\mathrm{T}{g, k}\right)=\sum{\mathbf{u} \in \mathscr{U} \atop \Omega_{k}(\mathbf{u}) \neq \mathrm{null}}\left|\left(\mathrm{T}{g, k} \dot{\mathbf{V}}{k}(\mathbf{u})-\hat{\mathbf{V}}{k-1}^{g}(\hat{\mathbf{u}})\right)^{\top} \hat{\mathbf{N}}{k-1}^{g}(\hat{\mathbf{u}})\right|_{2} $$

point-point ICP $$ \begin{align*} & \forall \quad \textrm{point-pair } P_i \leftrightarrow Q_i \ Q_i & = R P_i + t \ (R,t) &= \underset{R,t}{argmin} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \omega_i| R P_i + t -Q_i|2^2 \ & \frac{\partial F}{\partial t} = 2\sum{i=1}^{n}\omega_i(R P_i + t -Q_i) \ &= 2t\sum_{i=1}^{n}\omega_i + 2R(\sum_{i=1}^{n}\omega_iP_i) - 2\sum_{i=1}^{n}\omega_iQ_i = 0 \ t &= \bar{Q} - R\bar{P} \ A &= PQ^T \ U\Lambda V^T &= A \quad(SVD) \ & \left{ \begin{aligned} R &= VU^T \ t &= \bar{Q} - R\bar{P} \end{aligned} \right. \end{align*} $$

Point_to_Plane ICP

$$ Trans_{opt} = \underset{Trans}{argmin} || \sum_{i}(Trans \cdot \mathbf{s}_i-\mathbf{d}_i)\cdot \mathbf{n}_i ||_2^2 \\ $$

$\mathbf{s}$ is source points cloud, $\mathbf{d}$ is destination points cloud, $\mathbf{n}$ are normal vectors of destination

Find the Surface

Find the surface via Ray Casting if we choose point-plane ICP

  • step = $\mu$ instead of 1 voxel


Truncated signed distance $F_k(p)$ , $tsdf(p)$ $$ sdf(p) = D(x) - dist(p) $$

dist(p) is the distance from voxel p to camera O

x is the pixel which voxel p reprojects to image plane 

D(x) is the depth value of x

$$ tsdf(p) = \left{ \begin{aligned} & sdf(p)/\mu \quad ,|\frac{sdf(p)}{\mu}|<1\\ & 1 \quad ,\frac{sdf(p)}{\mu} > 1\\ & -1\quad ,\frac{sdf(p)}{\mu} <-1 \end{aligned} \right. $$

Weight $W_k(p)$ $$ W(p) = \frac{cos(\theta)}{dist(p)} \ $$ $\theta$ is angle between normal vector and pixel ray


New frame arives

For each voxel in volume, compute $ W_k(p)$ and $ F_k(p)$ in this frame, called $\mathrm{W}{\mathrm{R}{k}}(\mathbf{p}) \mathrm{F}{\mathrm{R}{k}}(\mathbf{p})$ $$ \begin{aligned} \mathrm{F}{k}(\mathbf{p}) &=\frac{\mathrm{W}{k-1}(\mathbf{p}) \mathrm{F}{k-1}(\mathbf{p})+\mathrm{W}{\mathrm{R}{k}}(\mathbf{p}) \mathrm{F}{\mathrm{R}{k}}(\mathbf{p})}{\mathrm{W}{k-1}(\mathbf{p})+\mathrm{W}{\mathrm{R}{k}}(\mathbf{p})} \ \mathrm{W}{k}(\mathbf{p}) &=\mathrm{W}{k-1}(\mathbf{p})+\mathrm{W}{\mathrm{R}{k}}(\mathbf{p}) \end{aligned} $$ What's more, restrict the $\mathrm{W}{k}(\mathbf{p})$ by $\mathrm{W}{k}(\mathbf{p}) \leftarrow \min \left(\mathrm{W}{k-1}(\mathbf{p})+\mathrm{W}{\mathrm{R}{k}}(\mathbf{p}), \mathrm{W}{\eta}\right)$


Marching Cubes to mesh