What is it ?
Create the typescript decorator declaratively, Just like Java.
It also provides tools to implement 'reflection'
It can run on the web or in nodejs
Getting Start
npm i ts-decorator-utils
"compilerOptions": {
"outDir": "./dist",
"module": "commonjs",
"target": "es6",
"declaration": true,
"lib": [
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"strictNullChecks": true
"exclude": [
Notice 'experimentalDecorators' and 'emitDecoratorMetadata'
Create a decorator
Create the required location, parameters, and metadata
import {DecoratorFactoryBuilder} from 'ts-decorators-utils';
const Demo = DecoratorFactoryBuilder.create()
type Demo2MetadataValue = {
value: string | number;
type Demo2PropOption = {
value: string;
} | string | void;
type Demo2ParamOption = {
value1: number;
value2: number;
const Demo2 = DecoratorFactoryBuilder.create<Demo2MetadataValue>()
.property<Demo2PropOption>(option => typeof option === 'string' ? )
Use decorators
class TestClass {
public prop: string;
public staticProp: string;
constructor(num: number) {}
public method(@Demo() param: string) {}
public static staticMethod(): string {
return '';
Getting information is similar to Java reflection
import {DecoratorUtil} from 'ts-decorators-utils';
// Is there a specified decorator on the target on the class, Some will return true or Object, and none will return undefined
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMetadata(Demo, TestClass)); // true
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMetadata(Demo, TestClass, 'staticMethod')); // true
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMetadata(Demo, TestClass, 'staticProp')); // true
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMetadata(Demo, TestClass.prototype, 'prop')); // true
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMetadata(Demo, TestClass.prototype, 'method')); // true
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMetadata(Demo, TestClass.prototype)); // undefined
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMetadata(Demo, TestClass, 'staticMethod2')); // undefined
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMethods(TestClass)); // [ [ 'staticMethod', [ [Function: String] ], undefined ] ]
import {DecoratorFactoryBuilder, DecoratorUtil} from 'ts-decorators-utils';
const Value = DecoratorFactoryBuilder.create()
class Demo {
public a: string;
public test(@Value() b: string) {
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMetadata(Value, Demo.prototype, 'a')); // true
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMetadata(Value, Demo.prototype, 'test')); // undefined
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMetadata(Value, Demo.prototype, 'test', 0)); // true
let metadataKey = Value.metadataKey; // is a Symbol Type
import {DecoratorFactoryBuilder, DecoratorUtil} from 'ts-decorators-utils';
const Value2 = DecoratorFactoryBuilder.create<string>()
class Demo2 {
public static testStatic(a: number): void {
constructor(public a: string, public b: number) {}
public test(b: string): Date {
return new Date();
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMetadata(Value2, Demo2)); // demo2
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMetadata(Value2, Demo2.prototype, 'test')); // test
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMetadata(Value2, Demo2, 'testStatic')); // testStatic
// 可以获得类中 使用装饰器的实例方法 集合
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMethods(Demo2.prototype)); // [ [ 'test', [ [Function: String] ], [Function: Date] ] ]
// 可以获得类中 使用装饰器的实例属性 集合 返回类型 [string, Constructor][]
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getProperties(Demo2.prototype)); // []
// 可以获得类中 使用装饰器的静态属性 集合 返回类型 [string, Constructor[], Constructor][] 数组中元组对应 方法名,方法参数类型数组,方法返回类型
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getMethods(Demo2)); // [ [ 'testStatic', [ [Function: Number] ], undefined ] ]
// 可以获得类中 使用装饰器的静态属性 集合
console.log(DecoratorUtil.getProperties(Demo2)); // []