Ball chaser

Submission for Project 2 of the Udacity Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree Program. This repository contains a robot that has the following features:

  • Chase a solid colored ball if it is within camera view.
  • If it is chasing a ball and it goes out of camera view, seek the ball by turning approximately 360 degrees then give up until a new ball is seen.

How to run


Make sure you have gazebo and rviz installed and you have setup a catkin workspace

Clone the repo to your catkin workspace's src folder

eg: git clone /home/robond/workspace/catkin_ws/src

Go to the root of your catkin workspace and run catkin_make to build the whole repo


When you open a new terminal make sure to run first source devel/setup.bash from the root of your catkin workspace.

Once all the setup is done run:

roslaunch my_robot world.launch

to load the world.

Open a new terminal, navigate to your catkin workspace and run:

roslaunch ball_chaser ball_chaser.launch

to run the ball chasing service


The content in this repository is free to use.