
The "push_swap" project consists of creating a C language program in which a set of integer values and two stacks are received. My goal is to develop an efficient sorting algorithm that generates and displays a minimal sequence of instructions in the "push_swap" language to sort the integers.

Primary LanguageC


The "Push_swap" project is a programming challenge that focuses on efficiently solving a data sorting problem. In this project, you are provided with a set of integer values, two stacks, and a set of instructions to manipulate these stacks. The main goal of this project is to create a C language program called "push_swap" that computes and displays on standard output a list of instructions written in the "push_swap" language.

The challenge lies in finding the minimum number of instructions needed to sort the set of integers given as an argument. This involves designing intelligent and efficient algorithms that use the operations allowed in the stacks to optimally sort the data.

moves diagram
