
This is code of "Adversarial Single-Image SVBRDF Estimation with Hybrid Training"

Primary LanguagePython


This is code of "Adversarial Single-Image SVBRDF Estimation with Hybrid Training" Project | Paper


This codebase was developed and tested with PyTorch 1.6 and Python 3.6 in both windows and Linux system. To install environments, please use this command:

conda env create -f environment.yml


The synthetic dataset are provided by Deschaintre et al. 2018, please download through this link. The real images dataset can be downloaded from this link.

The sturcture of real images folder looks like this:

	-- scene1:
	-- scene2
	-- scene3

where img1, img2, img3 are the same scene lit under different light positions. The scenes are randomly shot under random environment.


The pretrained checkpoint model can be downloaded from this link.

To run the inference code, please use this command:

python test.py --name $exp --dataroot $data --resize_or_crop resize --MyTest ALL_4D --netG NewVA_Net_Light --which_epoch final --mode Real --savename $name

Please download the checkpoint and save it into ./checkpoints/$exp/. $data is the path of test dataset. As default, the output results will be save into ./results/$exp/$name.

Here are some more instructions about the command arguments:

	experiment name

	path of test dataset

--MyTest: ['ALL_4D','ALL_5D']
	ALL_4D: output four feature maps 

	ALL_5D: output four feature maps + rerendered images using estimated feature maps and light position given single input images


	which checkpoint to load

--mode: ['Syn', 'Real']	
	Syn: save both ground truth and estimated results 

	Real: only save estimated results


	the folder name where results are saved


	save estimated light position into multiple .txt files (each file for each test image)


	save estimated light position into single .txt files (one file for all test images)


There are three steps required to train the model:

  1. Train on synthetic images with four discriminators:
python train.py --dataroot $SynData --MyTest ALL_4D --name $name --niter $epoch --resize_or_crop crop --netG NewVA_Net --augment_input

Where $SynData is the path of synthetic dataset,$epoch is the training epochs.

  1. Train on synthetic images with five discriminators:
python train.py --dataroot $SynData --MyTest ALL_5D_Render --name $name --niter $epoch --resize_or_crop crop --netG NewVA_Net_Light --augment_input --continue_train --load_pretrain $loadckpt --which_epoch $load_epoch

Where $loadckpt is the path saving the checkpoint obtained in previous step (step 1), $load_epoch is the checkpoint we would like load.

  1. Finetune network on real images:
python train.py --dataroot $SynData --MyTest ALL_5D_Render --name $name --niter $epoch --resize_or_crop crop --netG NewVA_Net_Light --augment_input --continue_train --which_epoch $epoch --load_pretrain $loadckpt --real_train --real_dataroot $RealData

Where $loadckpt is the path saving the checkpoint obtained in previous step (step 2), $load_epoch is the checkpoint we would like load, $RealData is the path of saved real images.


If you find this work useful for your research, please cite:

  title={Adversarial Single-Image SVBRDF Estimation with Hybrid Training},
  author={Zhou, Xilong and Kalantari, Nima Khademi},
  booktitle={Computer Graphics Forum},
  organization={Wiley Online Library}


Please contact Xilong Zhou (1992zhouxilong@gmail.com) if there are any issues/comments/questions.