A package for parsing proto3 files
The purpose of this package is to parse the .proto file (version 3) into a Python data structure. We use it for code generation or other operations.
pip install proto-parser
Output format is as following:
"messages": {
"MessageItem": {
"comment": {
"content": "",
"tags": {}
"name": "MessageItem",
"fields": [
"comment": {
"content": "",
"tags": {}
"type": "string",
"key_type": "string",
"val_type": "string",
"name": "Title",
"number": 1
"messages": {},
"enums": {}
"Player": {
"comment": {
"content": "//@entry\n//@schema\n",
"tags": {
"entry": true,
"schema": true
"name": "Player",
"fields": [
"comment": {
"content": "//@fmt=date\n//@desc=Player's birthday\n",
"tags": {
"fmt": "date",
"desc": "Player's birthday"
"type": "string",
"key_type": "string",
"val_type": "string",
"name": "Birthday",
"number": 5
"comment": {
"content": "//@required\n",
"tags": {
"required": true
"type": "PlayerType",
"key_type": "PlayerType",
"val_type": "PlayerType",
"name": "Type",
"number": 6
"comment": {
"content": "// @title App version history\n",
"tags": {}
"type": "repeated",
"key_type": "string",
"val_type": "string",
"name": "AppVerHistory",
"number": 7
"comment": {
"content": "",
"tags": {}
"type": "repeated",
"key_type": "MessageItem",
"val_type": "MessageItem",
"name": "MessageBox",
"number": 8
"comment": {
"content": "//@ title =Warehouse\n",
"tags": {
"title": "Warehouse"
"type": "map",
"key_type": "uint64",
"val_type": "StoreItem",
"name": "Storage",
"number": 9
"comment": {
"content": "//@pattern=^(https?|ftp|file)://[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]+[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]$\n",
"tags": {
"pattern": "^(https?|ftp|file)://[-A-Za-z0-9+&",
"#/%?": "~_|!:,.;]+[-A-Za-z0-9+&",
"#/%": "~_|]$"
"type": "string",
"key_type": "string",
"val_type": "string",
"name": "HomePage",
"number": 11
"messages": {
"StoreItem": {
"comment": {
"content": "",
"tags": {}
"name": "StoreItem",
"fields": [
"comment": {
"content": "",
"tags": {}
"type": "uint32",
"key_type": "uint32",
"val_type": "uint32",
"name": "Num",
"number": 1
"messages": {},
"enums": {}
"enums": {
"InnerType": {
"comment": {
"content": "",
"tags": {}
"name": "InnerType",
"fields": [
"comment": {
"content": "",
"tags": {}
"type": "enum",
"key_type": "enum",
"val_type": "enum",
"name": "TEST",
"number": "0"
"enums": {
"PlayerType": {
"comment": {
"content": "",
"tags": {}
"name": "PlayerType",
"fields": [
"comment": {
"content": "//normal player\n",
"tags": {}
"type": "enum",
"key_type": "enum",
"val_type": "enum",
"name": "NORMAL",
"number": "0"
"comment": {
"content": "//cheater\n",
"tags": {}
"type": "enum",
"key_type": "enum",
"val_type": "enum",
"name": "CHEATER",
"number": "1"
"services": {
"JobFileService": {
"name": "JobFileService",
"functions": [
"name": "GDriveFileList",
"in_type": "msg.GDriveFileListReq",
"out_type": "msg.FileListRep",
"uri": "/api/files/gdrive"
If you think you have found a bug, please visit the Protoparser Github page at https://github.com/khadgarmage/protoparser to report an issue, or fix it to push a pull request, thanks.