
Docker Compose with WildFly, Postgres and Flyway migration

Primary LanguageShell

Docker Compose with WildFly and PostgreSQL

Table of contents

General info

Docker Compose with WildFly, Postgres and Flyway migration



Postgres database will be start on port 5432 and expose port 5435, there is an init-database.sh in /database folder, that will be execute some steps:

  • create a database "my_db".
  • create user:docker with password:docker
  • restore database backup dump-my_db.backup.
  • execute initial-script.sql.

Flyway will run migrations on database "my_db". Scripts that flyway will run is in /flyway folder.

WilFly will start by start-wildfly.sh with some steps:

  • Start wildfly
  • Add PostgreSQL Driver using wildfly CLI
  • Add datasource connection to postgres database using wildfly CLI
  • Add wildfly user with username:admin and password:admin


To run this project:

$ git clone https://github.com/ximendes/docker-compose-wildfly-postgresdb.git
$ cd docker-compose-wildfly-postgresdb
$ docker-compose up -d

To see if all works as expected access: http://localhost:8080/