
Daily Bash Task

MIT LicenseMIT


Daily Bash Task


  1. ~ - it help you understand where you are. Symbol ~ describe you - you in home directory.
  2. / - you in root system directory
  3. command pwd - need for view full path to current position


command ls need for get all files and folder in current position

For detailed information, you can use: bash ls -l

Output: bash -rw-r--r-- 1 USER_NAME staff 1237 Jun 2 22:46 index.js

those colums are:

  1. permission for you, your group and other users
  2. number of links
  3. owner user
  4. owner group
  5. file size
  6. last modified datetime
  7. file name

If you'll need to see hidden files, just use: -a flag

And you can combine all flags, for example: bash ls -la