
Slack API for .NET

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This library provides Slack APIs. You can integrate your service and Slack. Currently support is only Incoming Webhook.

  • Incoming Webhook
  • Slash Command
  • Easy to pass known colors and emojis

Releases GitHub license

Support Platform

  • .NET Framework 4.6.2+
  • .NET Standard 2.0+
  • .NET 8.0+

Incoming Webhook

Super easy to use.

var url = "<Your Incoming Webhook URL here.>";
var payload = new Payload { Text = "Hello, Slack!!" };
var client = new WebhookClient();
await client.SendAsync(url, payload);

Following is payload sample.

var payload = new Payload
    UserName = "Incoming Webhook",
    Text = "Hello, @xin9le !!\n\nThis posts is test for _Incoming WebHook_ .\nDocument is <https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks|here>.",
    Markdown = true,
    Channel = "#random",  // override channel
    LinkNames = true,
    IconEmoji = KnownEmoji.PlusOne,
    Attachments = new []
        new Attachment
            Fallback = "脱・読みづらいコード!今日から一段上のプログラマーになる方法 5 選",
            Color = Color.AliceBlue.ToHex(),
            PreText = "This text is optional that is displayed at the top of _attachment block_ .",
            AuthorName = "xin9le",
            AuthorLink = "http://xin9le.net",
            AuthorIcon = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1047114972118114305/vw07RO7H_normal.jpg",
            Title = "脱・読みづらいコード!今日から一段上のプログラマーになる方法 5 選",
            TitleLink = "http://blog.xin9le.net/entry/2016/02/26/043557",
            Text = "「ソースコードを綺麗に書く」というのは、プログラマーであれば誰しもが心掛けたいと思っている *極めて重要な事柄* です。そもそも「綺麗なコードってなんぞ?」という感じですが、いくつかあると思います。",
            ImageUrl = "http://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/x/xin9le/20160226/20160226040749.png",
            ThumbUrl = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1047114972118114305/vw07RO7H_normal.jpg",
            Footer = "xin9le",
            FooterIcon = "https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1047114972118114305/vw07RO7H_normal.jpg",
            Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds(),
            Fields = new []
                new Field
                    Title = "Unique User",
                    Value = "345",
                    Short = true,
                new Field
                    Title = "Page View",
                    Value = "12345",
                    Short = true,
            Actions = new []
                new Slack.Integration.IncomingWebhook.Action
                    Type = ActionType.Button,
                    Text = "GitHub",
                    Url = "https://github.com/xin9le",
                    Style = ActionStyle.Default,
                new Slack.Integration.IncomingWebhook.Action
                    Type = ActionType.Button,
                    Text = "Blog",
                    Url = "https://blog.xin9le.net",
                    Style = ActionStyle.Primary,
                new Slack.Integration.IncomingWebhook.Action
                    Type = ActionType.Button,
                    Text = "Twitter",
                    Url = "https://twitter.com/xin9le",
                    Style = ActionStyle.Danger,

2018-11-29 15 49 39

Slash Command

Slash Command requests sent from Slack can be mapped as follows.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Slack.Integration.SlashCommand;

public class SlashCommandController : Controller
    public IAsyncResult DoSomething([FromForm]Request request)  // request mapping
        // do something
        return this.Ok();


Getting started from downloading NuGet package.

dotnet add package Slack.Integration


This library is provided under MIT License.


Takaaki Suzuki (a.k.a @xin9le) is software developer in Japan who awarded Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies (C#) since July 2012.