
A Reliable, Flexible, Fast and Powerful download engine.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Reliable, Flexible, Fast and Powerful download engine.


  • FileDownloader framework is not easy to write unit-test, it is not a testable framework, so it is not stable enough.
  • The core library of FileDownloader is too complex and not pure enough, so 5K+ star 1K+ fork with around 10 PR.

Compare to FileDownloader

  • Unit test coverage is very high.
  • Simpler interface.
  • Task priority support.
  • Uri file to store output-stream.
  • The core library is Pure and light.
  • More flexible callback mechanism and listener.
  • More flexible to expand each part of OkDownload.
  • Fewer threads to do the same thing without drop performance.
  • File-IO thread pool is independent of Network-IO thread pool.
  • Make sense auto filename from URL if can't find from response header.




You can use okcat to read the detail on the sample(-c is just for clear old adb log before running):

okcat -y=okcat-okdownload -c


// core
// provide sqlite to store breakpoints



  • Cover unit tests as far as possible
  • Precheck whether free space is enough to store target file when try to pre-allocate length of whole resouce with PreAllocateException and EndCase.PRE_ALLOCATE_FAILED
  • Preallocate the length of target file from disk space when start download on very beginning
  • Cover the case of there is the same task is running/waiting on OkDownload, another one will be interrupt when required to enqueue/execute
  • Cover the case of there is a task is writing to or will be writing to the same file, another one will be interrupted when enqueue/execute or get a filename from the response.
  • It will never start completed block again automatically when you resume a task
  • It ensures the data on block is sync and persist to the physical disk from the file system when the block-thread is finished
  • It ensures the length of data on breakpoint-store is less than or equal to length of real data on physical disk to ensure resuming from breakpoint on the next time never damage file or loss data
  • It enables resumable for a task only if it passes ResumeAvailableLocalCheck and ResumeAvailableResponseCheck to ensure breakpoint can't damage the file and the file on backend isn't changed
  • Cover the case of file is changed on the backend
  • Cover the case of redirect response on okDownload
  • Fix the range automatically when a range of block is wrong
  • Check whether the local increase length is equal to the content-length on the response to make sure local data is right for each block
  • Check the first block and last block especially to cover boundary case
  • Ensure cancel operation is effective even if connection is waiting for response, input stream is reading or disconnect is very slow
  • Always saving proceed of each task, so the breakpoint is always resumable even if the process is kill, since your import com.liulishuo.okdownload:sqlite
  • [] Check whether the network is really available before start downloading


  • Support task priority
  • Support using Uri as target file reference
  • Support replace Url on BreakpointStore for the case of old Url is discard but its data still resumable
  • Combine output-streams of multi-blocks on one handler MultiPointOutputStream
  • Provide SpeedCalculator to calculate instance speed or average speed on DownloadListener
  • Provide StatusUtil to find status of task or breakpoint-info of task anytime, anywhere
  • Provide various callback listeners to meet all requirements you want with DownloadListener1,DownloadListener2,etc..
  • Provide function to find running task reference on DownloadDispatcher#findSameTask
  • Support one task with several various listeners and manage them easily with UnifiedListenerManager
  • [] Support control batch of tasks with DownloadContext
  • [] Support only download on Wi-Fi network state
  • [] Support control the whole queue size of running task on DownloadDispatcher
  • [] Provide MultiTaskListener to listen to the process of batch of tasks
  • [] Support RemitDatabase to cover the case of many small tasks raise many useless database operation.
  • Support split any count of block to download one task
  • Design as light as possible to download without drop performance
  • Flexible thread pools on OkDownload to let OkDownload lighter
  • Split the network I/O thread pool and file system I/O thread pool to avoid two resources block each other
  • Support defines callback downloading process on UI-thread asynchronous or on Block-thread synchronized for each task with DownloadTask.Builder#setAutoCallbackToUIThread
  • Support defines the minimum interval millisecond between two callback of DownloadListener#fetchProgress for each task with DownloadTask.Builder#setMinIntervalMillisCallbackProcess
  • Support defines read buffer size for each task with DownloadTask.Builder#setReadBufferSize
  • Support define flush buffer size for each task with DownloadTask.Builder#setFlushBufferSize
  • Support defines sync buffer size for each task with DownloadTask.Builder#setSyncBufferSize
  • Support downloading task synchronized with DownloadTask#execute and asynchronous with DownloadTask#enqueue
  • Support customize connection handler with implementing your own DownloadConnection and valid it with OkDownload.Builder#connectionFactory
  • Support customizes download strategy with implementing your own DownloadStrategy to determine block-count for each task, whether resumable for the eatch task when receiving response, whether need to split to several blocks for eatch task, determine filename of task for eatch task, and valid it with OkDownload.Builder#downloadStrategy
  • Support customize processing file strategy with implement your own ProcessFileStrategy to determine how is OkDownload to handle the processing file, whether resumable when get breakpoint info on very begining, and valid it with OkDownload.Builder#processFileStrategy
  • Support customize breakpoint store with implement your own BreakpointStore to store all resumable breakpoint infos on your store and valid it with OkDownload.Builder#breakpointStore
  • Support customize callback dispatcher with implment your own CallbackDispatcher to handle the event of callback to DownloadListener and valid with Okdownload.Builder#callbackDispatcher
  • Support customize download dispatcher with implement your own DownloadDispatcher to control all download task
  • Support customize output stream handler with implement your own DownloadOutputStream to control output stream for each task
  • [] Support register one whole download monitor to statistic all key step for each task easily with DownloadMonitor
  • [] Support speed limit
  • [] Support download task on independent process with import okdownload-process
  • [] Support RxJava
  • [] Support using OkHttp as connection handler with import okdownload-connection-okhttp
  • [] Support using OkDownload on kotlin style such as DSL with import okdownload-kotlin-enhance
  • [] Provide Benchmark on benchmark application


Copyright (c) 2017 LingoChamp Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.