Udagram Image Filtering Application

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Udagram is a simple cloud application developed alongside the Udacity Cloud Engineering Nanodegree. It allows users to register and log into a web client, post photos to the feed, and process photos using an image filtering microservice.

The project is split into two parts:

  1. Frontend - Angular web application built with Ionic Framework
  2. Backend RESTful API - Node-Express application


  • npm and Node.js: you can download them from here.
  • Environment variables will need to be set. For the full list, check set_env.sh
  • Download kubectl and eksctl
  • Download terraform

Backend API

  • To download all the package dependencies, run the command from the directory udagram-api/:

    npm install .
  • To run the application locally, run:

    npm run dev
  • You can visit http://localhost:8080/api/v0/feed in your web browser to verify that the application is running. You should see a JSON payload. Feel free to play around with Postman to test the API's.

Frontend App

  • To download all the package dependencies, run the command from the directory udagram-frontend/:

    npm install .
  • Install Ionic Framework's Command Line tools for us to build and run the application:

    npm install -g ionic
  • Prepare your application by compiling them into static files.

    ionic build
  • Run the application locally using files created from the ionic build command.

    ionic serve
  • You can visit http://localhost:8100 in your web browser to verify that the application is running. You should see a web interface.


  1. Take a look at udagram-api -- does it look like we can divide it into two modules to be deployed as separate microservices?

  2. The .dockerignore file is included for your convenience to not copy node_modules. Copying this over into a Docker container might cause issues if your local environment is a different operating system than the Docker image (ex. Windows or MacOS vs. Linux).

  3. It's useful to "lint" your code so that changes in the codebase adhere to a coding standard. This helps alleviate issues when developers use different styles of coding. eslint has been set up for TypeScript in the codebase for you. To lint your code, run the following:

    npx eslint --ext .js,.ts src/

    To have your code fixed automatically, run

    npx eslint --ext .js,.ts src/ --fix
  4. Over time, our code will become outdated and inevitably run into security vulnerabilities. To address them, you can run:

    npm audit fix
  5. In set_env.sh, environment variables are set with export $VAR=value. Setting it this way is not permanent; every time you open a new terminal, you will have to run set_env.sh to reconfigure your environment variables. To verify if your environment variable is set, you can check the variable with a command like echo $POSTGRES_USERNAME.