
热插拔,高灵活的网络层解决方案(A Dancing HTTP request framework)

Primary LanguageObjective-C



A dancing HTTP request framework base on AFNetworking 3.x for iOS & MacOS


  • Promise
  • Cache
  • Asynchronous Model Serializing
  • Request Log convenient for Debug
  • Request Exception Catching


  • Add HTTP finder to your project.
  • Add AFNetworking & YYCache to your podfile. (YYCache is a default cache service and you can use your own cache service by implementing CCCacheProtocol protocol, CocoaLumberjack is recommendatory Log framework but you can ignore it too)


Dancing with promice


// Start first request task.

SamplePHPRequest.new.promise.then(^id(id data){

    // Get result(`Model` or `RawData`) finish by first task.
    // Then start sencond request task within promise.
    return SamplePHPRequest.new.promise;
},^id(CCResponseError *reason){
    // If some bad things happend to first task you can catch it in this scope.
    // But the error can't stop the promise chain.
    // Exception(or some thing) will send to next promise(if exist) in return value.
    return reason;
}).then(^id(id data){
    // Got result(`Model` or `RawData` or `Exception`) finish by previous promise.
    // Then start third request task within promise.
    // The result finish by third task will not be deal by Fornt End (Just send to server whithout care succeed or not).

    return [[[SamplePHPRequest new] bindRequestArgument:nil] promise];


// start primise chain

SamplePHPRequest.new.promise.next(^id(id data) {

    // Get result(`Model` or `RawData`) finish by first promised task.
    // These scope will never get errors.    
    // Send data to next node in promise chain encapsulated in return value
    return data;
}).next(^id(id data){
    // Get result finish by previous promised node.    
    // Then start third request task within promise.

    return SamplePHPRequest.new.promise;
}).next(^id(id data) {
    // Get result(`Model` or `RawData`) finish by previous promised node.    
    CCLogInfo(@"Promise chain succeed");
    // Must return something, but will not sent to the `catch` node
    return data;
}).catch(^(CCResponseError *reason) {
    // If some bad things happend to `the whole promise chain`, you can catch it in this scope.
    // Peomise chain will be interrupted when catching any exception, 
    // which meanse the rest of promise nodes will not be excuted forever.

    CCLogError(@"Promise chain failed: %@",reason);


[CCPromise all:@[SampleRequest.new.promise, SamplePHPRequest.new.promise]].then(^id(id data) {
    // If all of the promsie succeed, you can catch their result in this scope.
    // The data is an unordered array.
    // Maybe Dictionary is more appropriate, the key is ordered by index in promises.

    CCLogInfo(@"Get data: %@",data);
    // Must return something.
    // I want to optimize it, please send me any suggestions.
    return CCPromise.fulfilled;
}, ^id(CCResponseError *reason) {
    // If some bad things happend to `any promise in anof the promise`, you can catch it in this scope.
    CCLogError(@"Catched Error: %@",reason);
    return CCPromise.rejected;

####Normal Way

SamplePHPRequest *request = [SamplePHPRequest new];
[[request requestWithSuccess:^(id result, CCRequest *request) {
} failure:^(CCResponseError *error, CCRequest *request) {
    CCLogInfo(@"Never invoke the callback if you cancel the request");
}] appendAccessory:self];

####Surported Cache Policy

typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, CCRequestCachePolicy) {
    // Request server immediately
    // Searching cache data first, return if hited data; otherwise request server data
    // Searching cache data first, invoke callbacks if hited data
    // No matter succeed or not we request server data
    // Request server data first, searching cache data if failed

// Cache Hitting Policy:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, CCReturnCachePolicy) {
    // hit by fire time
    // hit by revalidating fired time if exist

// Cache Write Policy:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, CCDataCachePolicy) {
    // Cache Models 
    // Implement NSCoding protocol if you use the default cache service
    // Cache raw data
    // JSON object for CCResponseSerializerTypeJSON
    // RawData for CCResponseSerializerTypeRawData

####Other advantages

  • Surporting implement your request custom validator
  • Surporting custom authorization or HTTP header
  • Saving your time when facing to dazzling server frameworks

####Sample Codes

####Time to Fill knife

  • Please check CCRequest for more details
  • The most recommend way is creating your own Base Class recommend inheritedCCCacheRequest
  • There are many places need to optimize.Welcome to create ISSUE or send me a emial. My original intention is resove the vast majority of Networking Request politely, and I am eager for communicating with your design philosophy.


  • Mock solution


CCRequest is release under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.