
Golang client to interact and accept tasks from the Harness manager

Primary LanguageGo


A golang client which can interact and accept tasks from the Harness manager (or any task management system which implements the same interface)


A way to use this client would be:

Define task implementations:

var RouteMap = map[string]task.Handler{
	"CI_DOCKER_INITIALIZE_TASK": &setup.DockerInitializeTask{},
	"CI_DOCKER_EXECUTE_TASK":    &step.DockerExecuteTask{},
	"CI_DOCKER_CLEANUP_TASK":    &cleanup.DockerCleanupTask{},

Define a task. A task needs to implement the HTTP handler interface:

// A task must implement the handler interface. Example:
type DockerInitializeTask struct {

// DockerInitializeTask initializes a pipeline execution
type DockerInitTaskRequest struct {}
type DockerInitTaskResponse struct {}
func (t *DockerInitializeTask) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
  task := &client.Task{}
  err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(task)
  if err != nil {
    httphelper.WriteBadRequest(w, err)
  // Unmarshal the task data
  taskBytes, err := task.Data.MarshalJSON()
  if err != nil {
     httphelper.WriteBadRequest(w, err)
  d := &DockerInitTaskRequest{}
  err = json.Unmarshal(taskBytes, d)
  if err != nil {
    httphelper.WriteBadRequest(w, err)
  // Write the response to writer
  obj := DockerExecutionResponse{}
  httphelper.WriteJSON(w, obj, 200)

Register the routes:

// These routes can be registered with the router
router := router.NewRouter(router.RouteMap)

Create a client and start polling for tasks:

// Create a delegate client
client := delegate.Client(...)

// The poller needs a client that interacts with the task management system and a router to route the tasks
poller := poller.New(...)

// Register the poller
info, err := poller.Register(...)

// Start polling for tasks
err := poller.Poll(ctx, parallelExecutors, info.ID, ... ,interval)

Future goals

The goal is for this client to become the defacto interface of interacting with both the Harness manager as well as the Drone server for accepting and executing tasks. It should be pluggable into any of the existing drone runners and be used for both Harness CIE and Drone.

Release Procedure

Run the changelog generator

docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/usr/local/src/your-app githubchangeloggenerator/github-changelog-generator -u harness -p dlite -t <secret github token>

You can generate a token by logging into your GitHub account and going to Settings -> Personal access tokens.

Next we tag the PR's with the fixes or enhancements labels. If the PR does not fufil the requirements, do not add a label.

Run the changelog generator again with the future version according to semver.

docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/usr/local/src/your-app githubchangeloggenerator/github-changelog-generator -u drone-runners -p drone-runner-aws -t <secret token> --future-release v1.0.0

Create your pull request for the release. Get it merged then tag the release.


  1. It uses register call for heartbeat
  2. thread pool implementation is not abstracted
  3. Shutdownhook is not there
  4. CPU memory related rejecting tasks is not there
  5. CI doesn't have uniform runner interface for different runners. eg. K8s runner init send delegate response in java way. VM runner/Dlite/Local runner sends response to update status API
  6. Add error library for all places
  7. implement a global context where it has all the delegate configurations
  8. local runner - it caches the pipeline config (network volumes) for a session. We should think about how to break dependencies between setup/exec/cleanup
  9. local runner - in setup request, logConfig, the support for indirect url should be handled differently.
  10. local runner - ti-config is in the runner config. it should not be special cased
  11. local runner - Handler implementations are too huge