
HUDHelper defines 'Indicator' and 'Toast' based on MBProgressHUD.

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HUDHelper defines Indicator and Toast based on MBProgressHUD, the indicator acts as the default behaviour of MBProgressHUD, it won’t hide until calling hide method explicitly, but the toast will hide automatically, that is, indicator is designed for progress to wait, toast is designed for showing tips.



Show a simple toast:

HUDHelper.toast(self.view).title(@"Got response successfully!").show();

with subtitles:

HUDHelper.toast(self.view).title(@"Got response successfully!").subtitle(@"There are some additional info you should know...").show();

By default, its show time depends on the main title and secondary title’s length, distinguished by different languages’ and common users’ reading speed, you could configure it in the HUDHelperPreferences, or specify the constant interval for a single HUD:


Changing the main title or secondary title’s features may be a independent for some cases, so you could change configure their font and foreground color:

HUDHelper.toast(self.view).title(@"...").titleFont([UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:20]).titleColor(UIColor.blueColor).show();

Or uniform the default HUDs’ feature in a global place without inheriting:

// Make sure it executed before initializing all the HUDs.
HUDHelper.preferences.configuration = ^(HUDHelper *_Nonnull hud) {
    // ...

Not only for the common UIView, there are also a default global UIWindow retained in HUDHelperPreferences class, its default value is the current application’s keyWindow, you could attach the HUD there:


By default, the HUD won’t block the user interactions below the HUD views, but if you want:


We don’t suppress the original functional from MBProgressHUD, actually, the main class HUDHelper is a subclass of MBProgressHUD, you could custom any native features including mode, progress, customView, etc.


Show a simple indicator:


Of course, subtitle, titleFont, titleColor, actionButton are available for indicators, too. The key differences is hide:

If the hud instance is available in both showing and hiding situations:

HUDHelper *hud = HUDHelper.indicatorInWindow().title(@"...").show();
// some asyn operations or related...

This is the most direct solution to hide it, if the state changes happen in different method or class, you could get the showing one by:

// Passing the containing view if you know it:

Or if want to hide all the HUDs directly:


Find more settings from documentation in source code.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory and run the only app scheme, or you could check out more code examples from here.


HUDHelper is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "HUDHelper"


Will Han


HUDHelper is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.