Algorithm for Indexing Points Cloud of a Rope


  • Build a discrete graph from the geometric data.
  • Simulate a heat diffusion on the graph from one end (src, high temperature) to another end (dst, low temperature).
  • The indexing are obtained by sorting the "temperature" of each node.

Suppose we have $n$ points in total.

Step 1: Graph Construction

  1. Each point is a node in the graph.
  2. The edge of two nodes $x,y$ is given by a function $\rho: \mathbb{R}^2\to [0, 1]$ $$\rho(x, y) = \exp\left(-\dfrac{| x - y |^2}{2\sigma^2}\right)$$
  3. $\sigma$ is a parameter defined by $$\sigma = \dfrac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1,\dots, n} \min_{j\neq i} |x_i - x_j|$$ (Intuition: $\sigma$ is approximately the average distance between two adjacent points.)
  4. Given step 2 and 3, we can construct the adjacency matrix $A$ of the graph, which should be a symmetric and sparse matrix (plotted below). Notice that the diagonal entries of $A$ are defined to be 0.

Step 2: Heat Diffusion

  1. We assume that the the beginning and ending point of the rope is given by $src$ and $dst$. (This is not necessary but it makes the algorithm easier to implement. We will show how to find $src$ and $dst$ in the next section.)
  2. Compute the diffusion matrix (normalized adjacency matrix) $W$ by $$W = D^{-1}A$$ where $D$ is the diagonal matrix with $D_{ii} = \sum_j A_{ij}$.
  3. Define the temperature distribution as a vector $f^t\in \mathbb{R}^n$ with respect to step/time $t$. The boundary condition is given by $f^t_{src} = 1$ and $f^t_{dst} = 0$.
  4. The heat diffusion is given by $$f^{t+1} = Wf^t$$ and then set $$f^{t+1}{src} = 1, f^{t+1}{dst} = 0$$
  5. Repeat step 4 until convergence, for example, $|f^{t+1} - f^t| < \epsilon$.

Step 3: Indexing

  1. Sort the nodes by the temperature $f^t$ in descending order.
  2. The index of the nodes are given by the sorted order.

What if we do not know the beginning and ending point?

We can find the beginning and ending point by performing two heat diffusion simulations with a few steps. (not implemented yet)

  1. Select a random point $i$ as the beginning point and perform the heat diffusion simulation for $k$ steps. (set $f^t_i = 1$ as the boundary condition) $k$ is a hyperparameter and can be set as $\sqrt{n}$ for simplicity.
  2. Find the node $j$ with the lowest temperature and set it as the new beginning point $src$. i.e. Set $f^t_{src} = 1$ as the new boundary condition and perform another heat diffusion simulation for $k$ steps.
  3. Find the node $j'$ with the lowest temperature and set it as the ending point $dst$.