
A simple vue-like MVVM framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A Simple Vue-like MVVM framework implementation.

This is a simple vue-like mvvm implementation, it implements most directives in Vue1.x.

How to run

Download and open example.html in your browser.


Assume you are familiar with the popular and awesome MVVM framework Vue. This simple repo has the same API as Vue. For geting started on Vue, please visit here.

Under the hood:

For nearly a decade, front end guys are always fighting against a real world problem: how to show data efficiently on web pages.

Two way data binding is one of the many brilliant ways on tackling the efficiency problem. Many framework or libraries claiming it as their core feature: Angular1.x, backbone, etc.

But how to implement two way data binding differs from library to library. Angular1.x uses so-called dirty checking mechanism that looping through every dependencies to check whether the value changed. But Vue uses a completely different method.

Vue uses Object.defineProperty to change the getter and setter method of each property, and when the data has changed, it emit a message to the subscriber who is listening the changing, the update the view on the webpage.

So the program can be divided into these modules:


An observer keep watching the data object's every property, if there's a change, it will notify the subscriber.


A compiler scan every node element and its attributes and properties, and change the data according to the directives.


A watcher is a bridge connecting the Observer and the Compilter, subscriber and receive every attribute's changing notification, and execute the callback on updating the view.

MVVM entrance

A container object for all three above.




