copy my old project from
mod_concatx: the ability to join multiple files together in a single request. This is a performance optimization. instead of requesting several seperate css or javascript files from your server, you can do it one request. It is based on mod_concat but makes improvements.
- use the browser cache in effect
- avoid service code leak
- avoid content stick together
<script src=",js2.js,js3.js" ></script>
modify config: "conf/httpd.conf"
LoadModule concatx_module modules/mod_concatx.dll
<IfModule concatx_module>
ConcatxDisable Off
ConcatxCheckModified On
ConcatxSeparator On
ConcatxMaxSize 1024
ConcatxMaxCount 10
ConcatxFileType js,css
Whether to disable mod_concatx
Detects whether a file change, suggestion: On
Whether add newline when concat files, suggestion: On
Limit the max size of all files, suggest lower
Limit the max number of all files, suggest lower
File types, if without limiting fill ","